How busy brokers can leverage social media

Social media marketing has evolved. It’s no longer about web traffic and direct sales. The real value today is with engagement.

When companies and individuals first began adopting social media for business purposes, they had very clear goals in mind: drive traffic and make direct sales. They were often robotic and impersonal; they might as well have flashed a billboard that read, “Go to my website! Buy my product!”

But social media marketing has evolved, according to Amy Evans, president of Colibri Insurance Services. Speaking at BenefitsPRO Broker Expo, held last week in San Diego, Evans said the key trend today is engagement. She cited a 2018 study conducted by social media platform Buffer that found engagement (42 percent) is the top way to measure ROI from social media advertising, followed by leads (17 percent) and sales (15 percent).

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At its core, Evans said, social media is about developing deep and lasting relationships, and those relationships are built by communicating a clear message, one that can embrace both business and personal lives.

“People who do social well see no difference between the two,” she said, but added, “You want to remain professional when posting any personal information.”

The key, though, is to make a commitment to post, and to create content on a consistent basis so “your audience looks to you” as a trusted source of information. “Your goal is to figure out what content you want to communicate,” Evans said. “And you can do that by answering the question: What’s unique about you to your clients/?” 

What does content looks like?

The leading social media platforms for business accounts are Facebook (96 percent), Twitter (89 percent) and LinkedIn (70 percent), according to the 2018 Buffer study, but no matter what platform someone adopts, content should be their driver, according to Evans. “And it should have inherent value and provide truthful information.”

She said it’s easy to get disappointed if there’s not an immediate interaction on a social media feed. “How many of you will open your Twitter or LinkedIn or Facebook page and scroll through the feed?” she asked. “You can see that information rolling off the page, but don’t get discouraged by all that noise. If you stick to your message and provide consistent content, remember that eyeballs are seeing what you’re working on.”

Evans said great content is made up of five key traits:

This might all sound daunting and too time-consuming, but Evans said “it’s easier than you think and won’t take hours a day.” By utilizing a third-party platform like Buffer or Hootsuite, users can manage their social media accounts “without getting sucked in to the quicksand of social media, and you can create your content and log back out in as little as 10 minutes a day.”