10 things to do on January 2nd

Here's what advisors and agents need to do to kick off the new year and get set up for success.

The first (business) day of the New Year can seem daunting. It’s also the opportunity for a new start. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Many agents and advisors dread the start of the New Year – ‘back to zero again.’

If you do lots of transactional business, you might feel like that guy in Greek mythology who had to push a big rock up the hill all the time, Sisyphus.  Where do I start?  What do I do? These 10 tips are commonsense ideas to get you going.

1.  Rejoice.

Today, you are not behind. Like at the racetrack, all the horses are at the same starting gate. The biggest producer in the firm and you are starting alongside each other. Put another way, if every day starts out as a blank canvas, today the entire year is a blank canvas.

2.  Start scheduling reviews.

You have clients.  They own stuff.  Some is with you.  You might be “their insurance guy.”  They do other business too.  Unfortunately, they don’t see you in that other context.  However, you don’t know if they like the person or firm providing that other service.  Sit down with each client.  Review their relationship.  Ask how those assets held away are doing.  Have they had a review over there yet?

3.  Ask for more money.

Reviews are the logical time to make this suggestion, but it can be a simple phone call too.  The arrival of the New Year is a time for reflection.  What am I going to change going forward?  Prospects and clients think this way too.   Call people with an idea.  Smile when you speak.  It comes across on the phone.  Present an idea.  Ask for a specific amount of money.  See what happens.

4.  Pull out your dead leads file.

OK, maybe they are inactive prospects.  You tried and gave up on them sometime last year.  Pull out a piece of paper and start thinking: “What can I do to get back on their radar?  Call with an idea?  Start a drip marketing campaign?  Send your newsletter, asking if they would like to continue getting them?  These folks wanted something once, otherwise they wouldn’t be leads.  Did they get their problem solved?

5.  Call up your lost sheep.

You lost some clients during the year.  They decided to buy online.  They found a cheaper provider.  They left for a competitor.  Often people are given an idealized version of what life will be like if they move.  Reality sets in.  Call them up.  Acknowledge they had their reasons for moving.  Did everything work out as they hoped?  Let them know they were an important client.  You wanted to be sure they were OK.  This might be the first step that brings them back.  “Actually, it didn’t work out…” (A New York advisor came up with this one!)

6.  Clean off your desk.

Then move onto the area around your desk.  Throw out old stuff you don’t need.  Clear the entire desk surface.  Use a cleaner.  Clean your computer screen too.  It’s a great way to start the New Year.  It looks professional when clients and prospects visit.  It helps clear your mind too.

7.  Change your pictures.

Changing your surroundings gives things a fresh look.  Replace the picture of your children with an updated one.  Maybe put a big family picture on your wall.  Clients and prospects like talking about family.  As a West Coast advisor explained, when you talk about your time at the firm, the number of years you’ve been married and the age of your children, it communicates stability.  Clients want that.

8. Develop a serious LinkedIn strategy.

Pledge to commit some time each day (before or after hours) to posting, commenting and building your network.  You’ve got a tool that can help build name recognition, maybe position you as a subject matter expert.  The cost is probably minimal, except for your time.

9.  Find a new place for lunch.

Maybe you eat at your desk.  Why?  Will you meet any people who want to do business?  Unlikely.  Find an eatery that attracts the type of people who could become clients.  It can be as simple as a coffee shop, diner or luncheonette.  Go daily.  Make small talk with the people around you.

10.  Get ready to bid on business.

Companies send out Requests for Proposals (RFPs) when deciding to stay with or change service providers.  You’ve tried getting their business before.  Can you learn when they start this process?  Build a list.  Set reminders.  Get yourself into consideration.

The first day of the New Year can seem daunting.  It’s also the opportunity for a new start.

Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc.  He provides HNW client acquisition training for the financial services industry.  His book, “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” can be found on Amazon.


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