2019 BenefitsPRO Broker Expo preview

This year’s 15th annual Expo, April 2-4 in Miami, will feature top-notch keynote speakers and a variety of benefits experts, who will discuss the challenges and opportunities they’re experiencing in their own practices. We look forward to seeing you in Miami!

Every spring, hundreds of benefits professionals gather at the BenefitsPRO Broker Expo to talk about the industry and learn about new trends, strategies and products impacting the employee benefits and health care landscapes.

This year’s 15th annual Expo, April 2-4 in Miami, will feature top-notch keynote speakers, including political power couple Mary Matalin and James Carville, former Assistant Surgeon General and health expert Susan Blumenthal, and entrepreneur, author and technology expert Erik Qualman. 

➤➤ For more information on the 2019 BenefitsPRO Broker Expo, be sure to read Editor in Chief Paul Wilson’s thoughts on this year’s show

In addition, a variety of benefits thought leaders, including our five Broker of the Year finalists,  will discuss the challenges and opportunities they’re experiencing in their own practices, and the various ways they’re adapting to ensure success in this brave new world. Be sure to check out this year’s agenda to learn more.

And here’s a quick video recap of last year’s show to whet your appetite. We look forward to seeing you in Miami!

For more on last year’s show: