What’s the good news, ladies?  February edition

I’m very excited to introduce you to Tiffany and Annette. They come from very different backgrounds but have a passion for our industry that is infectious.

Happy February!  Not sure about you, but January always feels like a “month of Mondays” to me.  Just now feeling like we have our feet under us after the holidays and before you know it, 1st Quarter will be over and many of us will be heading to the BenefitsPRO Broker Expo down in Miami.  Lord knows I can use some sun!

Looking forward to meeting many of the women we have profiled through this series there, as well as speaking this year and hosting the new Fast & Furious session that is going to be killer.  You’ll be walking out of that session with so many sales and marketing ideas that you can plug and play when you get back to your office; it truly is inspiring.

Without further ado, I’m very excited to introduce you to Tiffany and Annette. They come from very different backgrounds but  have a passion for our industry that is infectious.

Tiffany A. Albert, President and CEO, Blue Care Network of Michigan

“For the past 12 months, employee engagement and development has been my top priority. I implemented a unique, small group forum called Talk with Tiffany, where team members can share thoughts and exchange ideas about Blue Care Network’s trends and opportunities. Held nine times a year, these sessions allow employees to gain insight into key metrics and projects, while providing a safe space to offer suggestions on how to improve our processes.

I believe employees are our greatest asset and I’m always looking for ways to invest in their futures.

I currently mentor 25 individuals, some of whom were referred to me through corporate sponsored-programs such as the National Management Association and Mentoring Circles. I fully support mentorship and actively participate in the nurturing and development of the next generation.

The best part of employee outreach is establishing relationships that are beneficial for all. I learn just as much from them as they do from me.”

Annette Bechtold, OneDigital | Health and Benefits

“In this crazy benefits world, ‘accomplishment’ can often mean making it through the daywithout losing yourself or anyone else in the battle.  It is so easy to succumb to the pressure of putting one’s personal goals, priorities, and achievements above all else.  You know: sell more, get that promotion or raise, beat the competition.

Real accomplishments, though, are the things that last; the impact you make. Business success happens when each individual succeeds.  For me, it is the result of choosing to focus on building others up and doing what I can to help them grow and win.  My focus is on educating and sharing my industry knowledge, coaching and transforming others through personal talent and strengths development, and being an advocate and voice for change.  The accomplishment is seeing the results in the amazing teams I lead not only in my professional business life, but in my association life through NAHU as well as sharing the success with my coaching clients whom I help to discover and leverage their talents.”

As always, if you know of great women in the field who are working hard to make this industry event better, send me an email introduction at scombs@combsandco.com. I’d love to connect!