Are you playing games with your employee assessments? You should be.

Growth-stage companies and multinational corporations alike are using gamification to improve their hiring practices.

Everyone, it seems, enjoys playing games—and HR professionals can leverage that sense of enjoyment for better assessment results. (Image: Shutterstock)

Work is work—and there’s no room for “play” at work, right/? While the workplace is meant for serious effort, some of the most productive results can come from activities that are perceived as “fun.” That approach most definitely has a place in the hiring process.

As any HR professional knows, candidates are typically stressed by the hiring experience. Given their desire to be chosen for a position, it’s difficult during the selection process for an interviewer to understand who candidates are as individuals, when all those candidates want to share is what they think the interviewer wants to hear.

One of the best ways to get someone to let their guard down and reveal their true selves is by playing a game. Anyone with children (or with firsthand experience in the subject—which, for those under the age of 35, is just about everyone) is intimately aware of how video games have permeated our culture. The global games market grew to $160.5 billion in 2018, according to game and esports analytics company Newzoo, and continues to expand at a 9.3 percent CAGR. Everyone, it seems, enjoys playing games—and HR professionals can leverage that sense of enjoyment for better assessment results.

In the 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends study, only 6 percent of HR respondents rated their ability to use games and simulations to assess potential candidates as “strong.” Yet turning assessment tests, and by assessment, we’re referring to personality testing, situational judgment tests, realistic job previews and the like, into games can have real advantages:

Nearly any assessment test can become more engaging and effective through gamification. Standard Myers-Briggs testing can not only be more enjoyable, and more revealing and comprehensive, when simple gaming techniques like dragging boxes or linking icons are used. Animations can transform situational testing to provide additional interest and involvement. Emotional intelligence can be accurately measured through games that ask “players” to interpret faces and scenarios.

Growth-stage companies and multinational corporations alike are using gamification to improve their hiring practices. One major consumer products company uses a series of games to measure problem solving capabilities, communication skills, and personality traits. The games, available online or via table and smartphone, are used in the early stages of the screening process; those selected by the process move on to video interviews. All participants receive personalized results showing how they did.

The power of gamification to improve and accelerate the assessment process is something virtually any employer should consider. Integrating it into hiring practices typically involves partnership with an outsourcing vendor who specializes in assessment game design. Basic assessment tests can be licensed “off the shelf,” although more advanced or trait-specific tests may require the creation of customized solutions.

Before adopting a gamified assessment tool, HR workers should consider how the tool fits into the overall hiring process. Does it map well into the organization’s model for measuring desirable worker traits? Does the process fit smoothly into the candidate experience? Does it seem incongruent in any way?

It’s equally important to confirm the science behind the platform. A gamified assessment tool needs to go through the same validity and reliability testing as any regular cognitive assessment test. Results of the assessment must also be insightful; it’s nice to know that a candidate is optimistic, for example, but without further depth you may not be getting a good return on investment.

Finally, don’t forget the fun aspect. Creating an enjoyable assessment experience isn’t easy, and without this important attribute, the other benefits may not accrue. Have employees try out the game, and make adjustments if the process is boring, confusing, or frustrating.

Re-interpreting the hiring process through gamification can lower barriers, reduce stress, and improve outcomes. It can actually help to build a company’s reputation as an enjoyable and rewarding place to work. Games are increasingly a part of our culture—and as such they can be a valuable strategy for deeper understanding. Apply games carefully, as part of a well-considered hiring process, and everyone can come out a winner—employer and candidate alike.

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Franz Gilbert is VP of Solution Provider Programs at BersinTM, Deloitte Consulting LLP. As used in this document, “Deloitte” means Deloitte Consulting LLP, a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Please see for a detailed description of their legal structure.