Expo previews: Fast & furious and Business 101

Susan L. Combs promises to leave you with at least five solid ideas that make you go, “Wow, I can do that.”

Those attending Susan L. Combs’ Fast and Furious session should come prepared with their best 60-second marketing idea that has helped take their business to the next level. (Photo: Shutterstock)

If there is one session you do not want to miss this year, this is it! And I’m not bragging here. As my gramma Ruby Fern would say, “I’m just truth-tellin.”

If you are looking for some great ideas for your business and have the attention span of a two-year-old, this session is for you! It’s fast-paced, fun as hell, and if you don’t walk out of this session with at least five solid ideas that make you go, “Wow, I can do that,” then I owe you a drink at the bar later.

How it works:

You: Come prepared with your best 60-second marketing idea that has helped you take your business to the next level. Hop in line, take the mic and share your heart out!

You get judged: I have compiled a panel of stellar judges that we are calling the Wonder Woman Crew, which is comprised of Colleen Blum, Alison Cohen De Paoli and Kim Eckelbarger. These women have the “it factor” and know how to spot a great idea from a mile away.

Me: I’ve been to these conferences for years, and I know you guys like to talk. I get to be your fearless moderator who takes great pride in shutting you down when you hit 60 seconds so that you can pass the baton to the person behind you. Remember the concept: be brief, be bold and be gone!

➤➤Be sure to attend Susan L. Combs’ Administration Track session “Business 101: Advice & Strategies that Will Kick Your Business up a Notch!” April 2 at 3:00 p.m. and her Motivational Track session, “Fast & Furious” April 3 at 4:15 p.m. at the 2019 BenefitsPRO Broker Expo.

After all the ideas have been presented, the Wonder Woman Crew will deliberate and select the top three ideas that were shared. These three ideas will be shared again and then the audience will vote on the top idea.

The winner will walk out with a fabulous prize and bragging rights until next year!

And as the great Dom Toretto (aka, Vin Diesel) said in “Fast & Furious 5”: “Money will come and go. We all know that. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now.”

So make sure you do not miss out on this session, because this is the one people will be talking about for the rest of the Expo!

Business 101: Advice & strategies that will kick your business up a notch!

I started my brokerage firm at the age of 26 in New York City. Looking back 14 years later, the phrase that comes to my mind is: “I didn’t know what I didn’t know.” What I did know was how to treat people the right way. Because I came from a hospitality background and a solid Midwest upbringing, I decided to build a brokerage firm on that principle.

Fast forward to 2019, and as I’m approaching 40, I have learned a tremendous amount along the way in the sink-or-swim environment of the benefits industry. I am constantly asked to share some tips and tricks that helped me make it in NYC. In my session at the 2019 BenefitsPRO Broker Expo, you’ll get to hear the strategies I put in place to develop my teams, build my brand through social media, attract a millennial workforce and find alternative sources of revenue.

What will you get out of spending an hour with me?

Check out these takeaways:

1. Learn keen insights on adapting your environment to the millennial workforce and understand what this demographic is looking for in an employer.

2. Tired of working for free? Understand how to figure out what you are worth and how to add consulting and charging fees into your practice.

3. Learn a tried and true method for social media strategies that will help you develop a communications calendar. 4. Discuss key components of developing your core teams for work, personal grown and home.

I had an uncle who used to say, “Everyone will give you advice. Take what you want and throw out the rest.” At this session, you’ll be guaranteed to pick up a number of ideas that can kick your business up a notch and have fun learning along the way!

Don’t miss these other Expo sessions: