Excerpts from webcast: Going Budget Neutral - Unique Ways to Help Employees with Student Debt

More and more of your client’s applicants and new employees are leaving school with significant amounts of student debt. In this webcast, Tara Fung discusses the conversations she has with employers on a daily basis to help them determine whether student loan benefits make sense for their organization.

In this episode of the expert perspectives podcast series, we’re bringing you highlights from Commonbond’s presentation on student loan benefits as a crucial recruitment tool, titled “Going Budget Neutral – Unique Ways to Help Employees with Student Debt.” The discussion originally took place as a webcast on February 20th and featured Vice President of Commonbond for Business, Tara Fung.

This podcast is excerpted from the February 20, 2019 webcast of the same name, which can be found here in its entirety: https://www.benefitspro.com/2019/01/22/going-budget-neutral-unique-ways-to-help-employees-with-student-debt/

About Tara Fung: As VP of CommonBond for Business, Tara has the opportunity to speak with employers every day to help them determine whether or not a student loan benefit makes sense for their organization. Prior to CommonBond, Tara worked at German automotive giant, Daimler AG, in international strategy and project management roles.

While completing her MBA at Harvard Business School, Tara saw firsthand how classmates were making job decisions based on their student debt. She heard time and time again people saying they were accepting jobs they did not want in order to pay off their loans as quickly as possible. It was this experience that changed Tara’s career trajectory. She decided to join CommonBond and be part of the solution to the student debt crisis.