Disability insurance and the financial wellness movement

During Disability Insurance Awareness Month, campaigns are focused on making income protection part of financial wellness.

The CDA will be observing the month by encouraging consumers and others to “get the facts” about disability insurance. (Image: Council for Disability Awareness)

Life Happens and the Council for Disability Awareness (CDA) are heading into the May 2019 Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM) campaign with a focus on making income protection part of financial wellness.

The CDA, for example, will be observing the month by encouraging consumers and others to “get the facts,” and to visit a blog that features stories about financial, physical and emotional wellness.

Recent CDA blog posts cover topics such as general financial literacy and Earth Day as well as disability insurance.

Related: Long-term disability insurance gets little attention but can pay off big time

Life Happens has also been offering agents, brokers and others digital materials that emphasize stories about real people, such as Dore Bakouris, a new mom, who suddenly discovered what it means to lose the ability to earn a paycheck, or to lose the ability to handle tasks at home.

On LinkedIn, the group has highlighted the account of Dr. Valerie King, a physician with a chronic illness that has kept her from working.

“I was able to pay the mortgage, put food on the table, and give my daughters a great education because of my disability insurance policy,” she says in a statement on a shareable image.

Local producer groups are also participating.

The Dallas Association of Health Underwriters is presenting a meeting focusing on an introduction to disability insurance by Andra Grava, the founder of the DI Center, a brokerage general agency that now distributes a wide variety of products but has roots in the disability insurance market.

Unum Group Inc. is using the awareness month to draw attention to its WorkWell blog.

The blog “is a great resource for consumers on #financialplanning, including #disabilityinsurance,” the company tweeted through its @unumnews Twitter feed.

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company is reaching out to consumers with a new YouTube video about people who have used their disability insurance, and promotion of an older primer video: “Disabled? Me? Never!

Pinney Insurance has added a sales kit for disability insurance, with producer guides, sales ideas and a consumer guide. The firm is recommending that agents start by focusing on prospects ages 30 through 55 who work at least 20 hours per week, earn at least $40,000 per year, and have occupations with little or no manual duties involved.

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