What’s the good news, ladies? May Day!
This month, I’m proud to introduce you to Suzy, Annette and Ashley. These women are crushing it in our industry while focusing on innovation, growth and education!
I also think that not “freaking out” over 40 is in big part due to feeling inspired in my career by the many men and women of all ages who are committed to our industry. Each month, I get to share with you all the incredible work that women all over the country are doing; each time I do this, I get to take a beat and take in their creativity. This month, I’m proud to introduce you to Suzy, Annette and Ashley. These women are crushing it in our industry while focusing on innovation, growth and education!
Suzy K. Johnson, CEBS, RHU, CLTC, Employee Benefit Advisors of the Carolinas, LLC
One of these offerings is “virtual direct primary care” to employees at no cost.
I was introduced to this solution whiel attending BenefitPRO’s Broker Expo in San Diego in 2018. The solution is offered through a company called ReDirect Health and solves the need for employers to offer a comprehensive, low cost and user-friendly MEC plan.
As I delved into the offering, I also learned about a shared health plan called Sedera that can be paired with ReDirect Health. This solution is for employer groups, and allows employees to purchase their own shared health plan on top of the MEC offering to protect themselves from catastrophic health needs at a fair price.
After contracting with both companies and implementing the solutions, we have now implemented it with six difference groups and counting.
I am driven to find best in class solutions to solve high health care costs facing employers, as well as their employees.”
Annette Hammortree, CLTC, RICP, Hammortree Financial Services, Registered Representative & Investment Advisor of Park Avenue Securities, Financial Representative of Guardian
“As I reflect, the past 12 months have been very interesting. I had a record year. After 32 years
Ashley Dronenburg, Raffa Financial Services, Inc.
For 2019, I made it a professional goal of mine to increase my compliance knowledge of the insurance industry and communicate that to my clients via social media. I have been expanding my presence on LinkedIn by writing articles for our company blog and communicating with my clients to stay informed about the many moving parts in the employer-sponsored benefits world. It is hard for employers to find the time to keep up with the ever-changing world of benefits compliance. If I can make it a bit easier for them by posting a simple article on the latest bill to be passed, then my job is done. It is an exciting time to be in our industry, we thrive on educating employees about how to be virtuous consumers within their health care plans.”
As always, if you know of great women in the field who are working hard to make this this industry event better, send me an email introduction to scombs@combsandco.com. I’d love to connect!