4 steps to creating a successful webinar

Let’s face it, we’re all fighting for the ear of the stakeholder and it’s increasingly difficult to stand out amidst the noise from social media,…

Let’s face it, we’re all fighting for the ear of the stakeholder and it’s increasingly difficult to stand out amidst the noise from social media, non-stop emails, and all the cold calls. Historically, benefits advisers have been unkind to prospects — making unrealistic promises, blasting cheesy emails, hijacking networking events.

I began hosting webinars for prospects and clients to provide value to those who wanted to listen. I also did it to stop feeling guilty about wasting people’s time, and in turn, wasting my own time. Yes, cold calls, direct mail, and cold emails still work … if you’re lucky. In truth though, value needs to be experienced to be understood. Webinars are a great way to create value for your prospects while also positioning yourself as an expert and luminary in benefits.

Are you interested in taking the plunge and hosting your first webinar, but unsure where to start? After hosting multiple webinars now, I’ve put together four steps to creating a successful webinar.

  1. Planning Process:
  1. Content creation:
  1. The webinar itself
  1. Follow up:

That’s it. You’ve hosted your first webinar! Now what? Well, are you ready to put on another event, or do you prefer your standard marketing approach? Write down the lessons learned, the data gathered, and the ways you can streamline the process for the future.

Webinars take time to create, market and execute. Put quality time and effort in, on a consistent basis, and you will see your relationships deepen and your close ratios increase.

Jessica Du Bois is a benefits consultant at Business Benefits Group, located in the D.C. metro region. She focuses on personalizing the employee education experience to enhance the ease of use and understanding of employee benefits.