Even as the U.S ages—by 2029, 20 percent of the population will be older than 65—many companies are engaging in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to make themselves seem more "modern" and "cutting edge." This is despite
laws against
age discrimination—and may not even be deliberate as employers try to woo younger workers. Losing the institutional knowledge represented by older workers is just one of the ways a company can shoot itself in the foot by edging (or shoving) older workers out the door. Then there's the lack of older mentors to help educate and guide younger workers, the lack of industry contacts that younger workers have in terms of networking, the reliability of older workers to get the job done and the potential of promoting younger workers beyond their capabilities in the quest to inject "fresh blood" into the organization. But all those problems aside, there's that little matter of
ageism being against the law. Many companies fail to realize that their policies, benefits and even employee behavior are pushing them right to the edge of ageism—or over the edge into outright discrimination. According to
HRDive, companies can make assumptions about older workers that simply aren't true—but that lead executives to make poor decisions about what the workforce should look and act like in the quest to grow the business. And yet, as the
BBC reports, a hot job market and a labor shortage means that some businesses are waking up and realizing that hanging onto, or recruiting, older workers could be the key to survival. Some jobs, after all, require a certain level of knowledge and experience, and there simply aren't enough millennials to go around who can step into an older worker's shoes.