The SECURE Act: Stay calm and keep paddling
You don't turn the gigantic tanker of the retirement industry around without making some waves.
A recent survey from Charles Schwab revealed that 70% of Americans don’t know what required minimum distributions are. The better-informed retirement savers do know, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to make mistakes somewhere, if not with RMDs, with IRAs.
The likelihood of mistakes being made is greater because of the legislation embedded in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, which was passed in late December. That legislation is, of course, the SECURE Act – a “hodge-podge” of regulations, as one legal practice tactfully put it.
People are learning more about its provisions, the paperwork and systems that need to be changed, the advice which needs to be rejiggered. Still, questions remain. As industry organization FINRA said, just the other day, it’s “tricky.”
The free, live webinar “Understanding the SECURE Act – What Your Clients Need to Know,” is coming on Thurs., Feb 13, 2020 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST. The experts behind the compliance series, Tax Facts, will discuss the SECURE Act and how it will change retirement planning as we know it.
Register now for the free webinar “Understanding the SECURE Act – What Your Clients Need to Know,” broadcasting live on Thurs. Feb 13, 2020 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST.