Mental health hotlines and websites: Because COVID-19 just makes things worse
Here are resources, because it's certainly not making anxiety, substance abuse, parenting issues and other mental and emotional burdens any easier.
‘We’re all stressed.’ Meant to comfort, that statement can also be seen as a way to diminish or dismiss what people are feeling. Yes, we’re all stressed about the coronavirus and each person’s stress matters.
In addition, there’s no Most Stressed-Out Person In the World competition, so forget about the self-deprecating “Well, she deserves to be feeling stress, my worries are petty” routine. So what/? So what if your biggest worry at the moment is finding toilet paper, while someone else is worrying about their spouse in the ICU? That doesn’t diminish your needs and worries, nor elevate theirs.
Let’s be clear: Your needs and worries are just as important as anybody else’s and it doesn’t matter what they are. It just means you might take different actions to help yourself compared to the person with the spouse in the ICU.
“I think I need therapy, but now is not the time.” Someone said that recently, with unintended irony. But logically, isn’t now THE time? COVID-19 makes everything harder, and it’s certainly not making anxiety, depression, worry, grief, substance abuse, parenting issues, spousal issues, and other mental and emotional burdens any easier.
Many employee assistance programs (EAPs) will pay for a limited number of counseling sessions at a lower cost or free, and they have a list of providers who they contract with. Additionally, some insurers will pay for mental health counseling and other services.
But if time is of the essence, or if there is no EAP or insurance, here are some resources to check out:
Alcoholics Anonymous - Website has information on finding virtual and telephone meetings, as well as videos and other resources.
Crisis Text Line – Text NAMI to 741-741 | Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free, 24/7 crisis support via text message.
Marijuana Anonymous - meeting finder.
National Domestic Violence Hotline – Call 800-799-SAFE (7233) | Confidential support to anyone experiencing domestic violence or seeking resources and information. Spanish and other languages available.
National Parent Helpline - Call 1-855-427-2736 | Offers a telephone helpline for parents and caregivers, offering a listening ear, problem-solving help, and other resources.
National Sexual Assault Hotline – Call 800-656-HOPE (4673) | >Crisis chat support is available at Online Hotline.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 800-273-TALK (8255) | The website also has a chat function and resources, and a phone number for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Oregon Recovers - Offers list of non-Oregon-based help organization websites as well as links and resources by Oregon county.
Psychology Today: Find a Therapist - Listing of therapists by state and by specialty, including special populations such LGBTQ and others, by insurance accepted, type of therapy, online/tele therapy, and more.