Strategies for building employee financial security during the COVID-19 pandemic

Right now is the time to double down on what we know are the best practices in benefit design and employee engagement.

The first step in developing financial security strategies for your employees is understanding the pandemic’s impact on your workforce–it won’t be the same for everyone. (Photo: Shutterstock)

As the COVID-19 pandemic takes hold globally, it’s upending “business as usual” in unprecedented ways–and at an unprecedented speed. This is a pivotal moment for HR leaders to respond to the crisis in ways that will have long-term, positive impacts for their workforce and company.

At Commonwealth, we’ve been studying financial security for nearly two decades and have focused on the importance of employee financial security partly because it reduces financial stress and increases productivity. As the pervasive worry of COVID-19 and its health and economic impacts grips the world, efforts to build employee financial security are also a strategy to build employee engagement–a positive connection to a work community, co-workers and bosses alike.

Related: Boomers, retirement at financial risk in coronavirus downturn

Right now is the time to double down on what we know are the best practices in benefit design and employee engagement. Effective employee financial security strategies can be easy, practical and cost little–which means they are doable even if your company is currently in crisis mode, whether trying to keep up with supply and demand or trying to weather difficult economic conditions.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the immediate financial issues that have impacted people have shone a spotlight on the work we have done for decades. In normal times, people spend 13 hours of their workweek worrying about finances–a number that it would be reasonable to believe has increased during COVID-19. By offering benefits that address one of your employees’ greatest stressors, you are demonstrating that you value and understand their needs. In our 2019 national survey of lower-wage workers, 76 percent said they were confident that employer-offered financial security benefits would promote company loyalty.

Commonwealth has been conducting research on how COVID-19 is impacting low- and moderate-income employees since March. We have uncovered issues that employers can address with practical strategies that HR leaders can implement quickly.

The impact of the coronavirus crisis is different for companies based on the services or products they provide–not on any business decision they made. This is also true for employees. The first step in developing financial security strategies for your employees is understanding the pandemic’s impact on your workforce–and that may or not match the impact the virus has had on your company.

For lower-wage employees, for example, their financial health depends partly on their employment situation with their main employer, but also on any other employment they may have, like gig work on the side, their pre-existing financial health, and their family and community circumstances.

Some of your employees may not have (yet) been impacted, and this is especially true if your company is one that is in an industry that is currently thriving, like trucking, supermarkets or medical supplies, or is able to continue mostly business as usual. The employees least impacted are usually younger and single. And for these workers, employers have an opportunity to help them build financial security that could help them overcome financial disruptions that may be ahead:

Other employees, regardless of the company’s situation, have started feeling the effects of a contracting economy, possibly because their partner’s income has decreased, because their costs have increased as they stock up on supplies, or because they are struggling with childcare. For this group, a number of initiatives can prove effective.

When addressing the financial situation of your employees, it’s also more important than ever to follow best practices for messaging initiatives to your workforce. People crave agency and autonomy over their decisions–feelings that are likely more salient now as they operate in crisis mode.

Promote agency and empower people by providing choices whenever possible and allowing people to make the decisions that are best for them. Generate trust by sharing information and allowing them to decide what action to take.

And keep things easy. People are overwhelmed, so simplicity is essential–don’t add something else to their plates. They’re also searching for bright spots, so a little (appropriate) fun like prizes, rewards and gamification is in order if possible. Fun has the positive biological effects of reducing stress and increasing cognitive space–and it also makes employees want to enthusiastically engage with the initiative.

As we move through this unprecedented time, HR leaders can have an impact. In a time when people are feeling stressed and worried about their financial futures, employers can provide their workforce with access to the tools they need to take actions that will build their financial security.

One day, when this is all over, your company will be back to business as usual–or perhaps, a new “usual.” A financially secure workforce that is more engaged and loyal could be one of the greatest assets that emerges from this crisis.

Melissa Gopnik is a senior vice president at Commonwealth where she leads the Innovation Lab at this national mission-driven non-profit focused on enabling financial security and opportunity for the financially vulnerable. Throughout her 30 year career, Ms. Gopnik has combined her talents in strategic planning, human resources management, research, and public speaking with a strong commitment to social change.

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