Take advantage of this time

This period of remote work creates some unique opportunities to invest in developing our careers and ourselves.

Like most business leaders, I have been checking in with my team members more frequently lately, making sure everyone is healthy and engaged while we are all working remotely. On a recent call, a member of my team who is a mother of young children shared that she was using some of the time while her child focused on schoolwork to work toward her own learning goals. I was impressed, not only by how she was using her time to learn something new, but also that she was also modeling the value of learning to her child.

Whether you are a parent learning alongside your child; a professional who has “found” time now that you are not commuting to an office; or just in need of a break to do something different for personal wellness, this period of remote work creates some unique opportunities to invest in developing our careers and ourselves.

Taking the time to focus on development by building industry knowledge can have lasting career benefits. As the leader of LOMA’s Professional Development programs, I have had the opportunity to connect with many industry professionals who have developed their industry acumen by earning professional designations. Students who have completed these challenging industry programs say their educational achievement has helped them with credibility, confidence and overall self-esteem.

Related: 10 tips to help you develop and grow personally and professionally

In addition, devoting time to learning something new — whether it is focused on your career development or a personal learning goal — can have important unexpected benefits during this time, like helping to relieve stress or providing a welcome change of pace during the day. In fact, a recent study in the Journal of Applied Psychology noted that learning something new can be a better method for combatting stress and negative emotions than simply relaxing.

Now may be the ideal time to invest in our careers by learning something new. Employees armed with broad-based industry knowledge are better prepared to think innovatively about future solutions and work with colleagues to solve problems — all qualities that can help a professional get ahead.

Whatever the next version of normal looks like, individuals who have taken the time to prepare themselves with relevant industry knowledge will be equipped to rise to new challenges and open doors to new opportunities and promotions. It can also give them a leg up and contribute to keeping a job during a restructuring in their organization.

Overall, the consensus is that knowledge gained from taking courses helps professionals become more well-rounded employees and empowers them to make more strategic decisions as they move up in their careers.

We are living during a time of unique circumstances. If there is something you’ve always been yearning to learn, or you are ready to invest in your career development, now might be the perfect time to take action. Whether it’s taking a course or two, committing to a full designation, or simply taking the time to learn something new alongside your child, actions now to learn and grow can help you stay positive and focused on a bright future ahead.

Carie Crane is vice president, professional development, LOMA.