Own the problem (or it will own you)

Because of their focus on sales, too many agency owners/leaders tend to ignore problems when they arise.

Every problem you face is likely a combination of three things you can control or influence: People, product and process. (Photo: Shutterstock)

We have the privilege of working with some unbelievably effective leaders every day; however, they would tell you they work hard to be an effective leader.

Most agencies are owned and led by people who spent the majority of their careers as successful salespeople. Most of them still spend much of their time in sales-related activities, with little time to lead, much less develop their leadership skills.

Related: What it takes for effective leadership in today’s workforce

Kevin Trokey is founding partner and coach at St. Louis-based Q4intelligence.

Because of their focus on sales, too many agency owners/leaders tend to ignore problems when they arise. Often, they will intentionally ignore problem-solving responsibilities and double down on sales efforts. They rationalize that “revenue forgives all problems.”

Placebo effect

I’m not saying adding revenue can’t make some problems go away, but it can’t cure issues that threaten the viability or trajectory of the organization. The complexity of problems that threaten businesses can be overwhelming. Many factors are uncontrollable and lead to a sense of helplessness; it’s no surprise most problems are ignored.

Every problem you face is likely a combination of three things you can control or influence: People, product and process.

Unfortunately, most owners/leaders are reluctant to deal with people issues, and don’t understand processes. This results in putting too much emphasis on product. They feel if they acquire the “right product,” it will fix everything.

If internal operations are an issue, the response is to buy a new solution. If a lack of new business is an issue, the response is to buy another “value-added” product to give away.

Adding fuel to the fire

Adding distractions without a proper process or the necessary training will make things worse. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Using the people-product-process framework keeps you focused. Take any particular challenge you are dealing with right now and assess the following:


Have we prepared our people to address this problem successfully? • Have you discussed the problem to ensure they understand why it must be fixed? • Do you have people motivated to be a part of the solution? • Have you provided the training to help ensure their success? • Are they capable of solving the problem, once trained? • Do you hold everyone accountable?


Don’t waste time looking for the “perfect” solution. Commit to a solution you are comfortable using and believe will remain relevant and effective.


Have you created processes that ensure the products are used effectively, efficiently and consistently?

Next time a team member performs a task, have them document the steps. It likely isn’t perfect, but you can now identify the opportunities for improvement.

It may not be easy

Solving problems isn’t easy, but you have no choice. Find the focus to ignore what you can’t control. Find the discipline to address what you can.

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