Here's what's on Trump's 2020 health care agenda

Though Republicans aren't rolling out a new platform this year, the Trump campaign has offered an agenda for his next four years.

Anyone expecting to see a detailed health care reform proposal come out of this week’s Republican National Convention can stop holding their breath. Prior to the kickoff of the convention, Republicans announced they would not be unveiling a new policy platform, but on Sunday night, the Trump campaign did release “Fighting for You,” a bulleted list of issues it intended to address in the next term.

Related: Politics and health care policy: Just the facts

On the issue of health care, the list includes a lot of talking points already covered. According to, the agenda includes:

It also includes a section on the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goals of developing a vaccine before the end of the year and “return to normal” in 2021.

How these goals and health care objectives will be addressed was not included in the 6-page document, though the campaign says it will be fleshed out in future speeches.

“I think [Trump] got it right,” Joseph Antos of the American Enterprise Institute, said of the strategy. “He’s not running a think tank…. He’s running for office. He does have a keen eye for what the average voter could stand to listen to.”

In comparison, Joe Biden made health care a key talking point at last week’s Democratic National Convention, addressing in particular his plans to building on the Affordable Care Act.

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