Open enrollment 2020 -- it's not business as usual

It’s time for a reality check and some pro-active planning. Your clients are counting on you to provide them with solid advice and counsel.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

We all have had about 5 months to adjust to the “new normal,” which is anything but normal, based on 2019 and historical standards. And that certainly applies to open enrollment 2020, which definitely will not be business as usual. So we would like to discuss the different practical, logical elements that benefits advisors, carriers, enrollment firms, and employers need to consider this year. You may be saying to yourself, why do we need to do anything differently? Why can’t we just handle the fourth quarter this year like we have done for the last decade? Really?

The entire world and the way it functions has changed, perhaps indefinitely. Your business operations have changed. Undoubtedly your clients are operating in an entirely different manner and each likely has uniquely adapted to the new local reality. This is no time to play the ostrich game. It’s time for a reality check and some pro-active planning. Your clients are confused, nervous and stressed out, understandably so. They are counting on you to provide them with solid advice and counsel. And it doesn’t matter what your current role is in our industry, you need to be part of the solution. Otherwise, you are part of the problem which will result in employee confusion, lack of engagement, dissatisfaction, and potentially financial hardship. Now, hopefully, you have a sense of urgency about this matter.

Perhaps you are asking yourself, where do we start? You may be saying, I understand that we need to approach things differently, but what exactly does that mean? What is the right path? As the Cheshire cat said to Alice in Lewis Carroll’s classic: “If you don’t know where you are going any road can take you there.” Let’s think about all the steps in the open enrollment process and what may need to be changed. Ultimately, you want to have a strategic game plan, a roadmap, to guide your actions to optimize the benefits communication and enrollment experience this year.

A good place to start is to hold a team meeting with all your colleagues that are part of the process. Yes, I know that likely will be a virtual meeting, not an in-person meeting. But that just further proves the point about how we all are conducting our work lives in a different manner. So whether it is a conference call, webinar, or video conference set a time for a strategy session to gather everyone’s input. And provide each participant with a list of thought-provoking questions to stimulate the thinking of your team members in advance of your strategy session.

Consider the following list of questions as a potential starting point:

You likely will have other questions that would be pertinent to your team and your clients.

These sample questions are intended to generate a robust, spirited and interactive discussion that undoubtedly will lead to some out-of-the-box thinking and a few breakthrough, game-changing strategies. Make sure that your team designates someone as a notetaker in order that all the discussion, options, and any decisions are fully captured. Then they can be reviewed/refined and shared with the participants, and other members of your organization, as needed.

By now you have gathered a considerable amount of input about a number of issues that are absolutely essential to the success of this year’s open enrollment, and perhaps in the process you have built consensus regarding the key drivers that need to be addressed and their priority. Ideally, that is the case. If not, you may need to schedule a thirty minute follow up session to synthesize the collective commentary and to gain everyone’s buy-in regarding the operational priorities. It will be worth the time and effort.

Now that you have an overarching strategy, you need to develop an action plan and timelines for each client since their circumstances will likely vary, in particular this year. The action plan can be as simple as a checklist of items to be addressed with overall due dates. Alternatively, your action plan for a particular client might identify specific tasks to be accomplished or deliverables, their activation and completion dates, the resource(s) responsible for that action item (within your firm or at the client organization), and the expected outcomes. Once the action plan is documented (perhaps on a spreadsheet for ease of review), it will simplify the daily management of the process, readily identify what has been done, and  highlight what still remains to be accomplished.

At a minimum, your action plan and timetable need to include the following:

It’s not business as usual, but it’s still business. And success in business requires strategic planning, operational execution, and a team commitment to a common purpose. That’s what has been articulated here. You now have a step-by-step roadmap that can guide your actions. Following these steps will assist your team to optimize the results achieved during open enrollment 2020.

Consider the following:

“The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price. Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve our goal, or any goal. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” __ legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi

Remember, you need to manage the important…not the urgent! And you can manage activities – but you cannot manage results. And finally, successful achievement is the intersection point of proper preparation and opportunity. These are management axioms that apply to open enrollment 2020.

Be the best possible resource for your clients and their employees. They all are counting on you.