4 innovative ways to connect with clients during COVID-19

Here are four approaches to connecting with HR leaders during this pandemic that can help inspire you, as you think differently about how to best nurture relationships with your clients.

The world of work is different for everyone these days. For those of us in sales, building and growing relationships cannot happen face-to-face—but those relationships still matter. There is still work to be done and finding new ways to connect and add value is essential. At the same time, HR leaders need support more than ever as they are serving a largely remote workforce, planning office re-openings, and helping employees stay physically and mentally healthy during this strange time.

Brokers looking to connect with clients still have quite a few opportunities, as business travel has halted and HR leaders would most likely welcome small distractions from their busy days. Much like you, they are largely working from home and seeking connection. Now is the time to build, connect, and grow relationships that matter and add a bit of fun when we all need it most.

Now is also the time to get creative. They say necessity is the mother of invention, right?

So, foster that creativity! Here are four approaches to connecting with HR leaders during this pandemic that can help inspire you, as you think differently about how to best nurture relationships with your clients.

Lunch and learn (with a side of giving back)

I don’t know about you, but I miss lunches out—treating a client to a nice meal while connecting and sharing information. During a brainstorm with my wife, Abby, I recently thought of a new idea to get back to those lunches: the virtual lunch and learn (with a twist)! It provides a bit of normalcy as I connect with clients ‘over lunch’ while also benefiting local restaurants surviving largely on takeout and curbside orders.

The first step is to schedule a lunch meeting with your client; virtually, of course. I know that eating at home gets monotonous, so instead I send along a $15-20 gift card for a local restaurant or delivery service (I’m a fan of GrubHub). I love that I still get to treat my clients to lunch, and we’re supporting smaller, homegrown restaurants! Once lunch is underway, it’s time to get to work, sharing product information and offering solutions to fit the client’s needs.

So far, the feedback on this approach has been great. My favorite note so far: “This is an AMAZING idea!” Clients are excited to connect again. It feels meaningful and familiar. And right now, familiar feels good. 

Who doesn’t love a good meme?

With wave after wave of negative news the last couple months, a bit of humor goes a long way right now. One easy way to brighten your client’s day (and maybe even get a laugh): include memes and quizzes in communication to clients. It will help grab—and keep—their attention.

Incorporating quizzes into presentations adds an interactive element and helps emphasize key points in your deck. Better yet, consider mentioning the quiz at the beginning of your presentation and offer up an Amazon gift card to fuel a little competitive spirit! 

A different kind of happy hour

While bars and restaurants look different right now, many people would welcome the opportunity to connect with colleagues over happy hour. Have you ever considered hosting a curbside happy hour? BYOC (bring your own chair), of course! This is the perfect way to reconnect while keeping it casual. Social distancing required.

Your clients will appreciate the opportunity for a bit of normalcy and connection. As an added bonus, it’s good for their mental health, too! This approach does require that your clients are local. If that’s not the case, perhaps you could use technology (Zoom) to orchestrate a virtual happy hour from your patio! Make it a little more informal for you and your client. 

Up your social media game

Whether you have an active social media presence or not, now is the time to focus. How can you better communicate about who you are and how you can help? Social media usage rates, including those on LinkedIn, are through the roof during this pandemic. Now is a great time to make that social connection. But, ensure your profile is cleaned up and ready to go first! Have more to say? Consider sharing articles that showcase your thought leadership. Better yet, record a video on LinkedIn so prospective clients can see and hear you. This is not the time to watch from the sidelines, but instead, to take advantage of the social media tools at your disposal.

Remember, just because connecting looks different, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Instead of halting completely, pause to plan and then execute. While you might miss those face-to-face interactions, think of the joy that will come from connecting with new contacts in-person down the road. Now is the time to step outside your comfort zone and innovate out of necessity!

Cy Moser is a Regional Sales Director with Trustmark Voluntary Benefits.