The benefits of utilizing an online platform for health insurance

Regulations aimed at minimizing person-to-person interactions have supercharged the need to review, evaluate and purchase plans online.

An online marketplace can help business owners and HR professionals access available health insurance plans and is accessible 24/7 to provide a quick and seamless experience. (Photo: Shutterstock)

The 2021 group health renewal process is upon us. A challenging and busy time for executives, HR managers and employers who are aiming to provide the most ideal group health insurance for employees. Researching different plans and nuanced deductibles, dealing with brokers, managing employee expectations, and most importantly, finding something that is affordable can be daunting.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic along with the larger trend of online purchasing driven by technology and consumerism, employers should be provided with convenience and choice without compromising service when it comes to purchasing health insurance for their organization during this extremely difficult time for businesses. Especially now, when lockdowns aimed at minimizing person-to-person interactions have supercharged the need to review, evaluate and purchase plans online.

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Choices for plan designs and employee engagement have changed dynamically over the recent years. New tools and resources are available to streamline open enrollment and deliver the best benefits to employees. What if there is a better way to offer and manage medical, dental, as well as other voluntary perquisites ranging from health savings accounts (HSAs) to telemedicine?

Let’s look at the benefits of utilizing an online marketplace for group health insurance.

Group health portal ensures convenience

Companies have begun utilizing online portals to research group health insurance plans, gather data, and provide the opportunity for business owners and HR professionals to determine which plan is best for their business. When leading carriers compete, consumers win – they get better choices, prices and ultimately more value. Providing convenience for employers and choice without compromising service can prove to be advantageous for employers during this time.

An online marketplace can help business owners and HR professionals access available health insurance plans and is accessible 24/7 to provide a quick and seamless experience while offering pricing in real-time. With the ability to compare carrier options, deductibles and co-pays everything is available to you at the click of the button without having to meet face-to-face with a broker to meet your needs.

While online platforms provide information to make informed decisions, every business is unique and often has specific situations that need to be discussed. Be sure to utilize an online platform that offers access to licensed brokers available via live chat to address questions and provide guidance. A live chat feature can ensure a positive user experience and provide guidance if necessary.

With the Internet-enabled, “on-demand” world we currently live in, this level of “consumerism” is now driving the need for companies to compare and purchase different options for health care.

Steve Rosenthal is one of the most widely recognized leaders in the employee benefits and human resource industry. Before becoming CEO of Triton Benefits and HR Solutions, Rosenthal was the CEO and pioneer of CheckPoint HR. Rosenthal previously served as Chairman of EPIX of what became under his leadership, one of the largest human resources outsourcing companies in the country.

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