What’s the good news, ladies? New Year: Let’s do this!

I’m excited to kick off the year by introducing you to Jennifer, Kayla and Lisa, who also found a way to get it done and grow as they reflect on 2020.

Happy New Year!  Who’s ready to crush it this year/? I know that a new year doesn’t mean that things are all roses and change overnight, but I think many will join me in feeling ready to hit the “reset” button.

I’ve always had goals in my head, but I’ve never really put them to paper until this year, when we did this with our whole team, individually and for the company collectively.  It really makes me excited to see what we will accomplish in 2021, since we all seem to have our footing now.

My firm was very fortunate in 2020 and didn’t really miss a beat. We adapted where we needed to and seemed to roll with the punches.  I got new energy and ideas from the Wonder Woman Mastermind that was born out of this column in 2020 and I’m excited to introduce you to so many incredible women in 2021.  I’m excited to kick off the year by introducing you to Jennifer, Kayla and Lisa, who also found a way to get it done and grow as they reflect on 2020.

Buckle up, it’s going to be fantastic!

Jennifer Ocasio, Max Total Benefits Solutions, Inc.“I took the uncertainty of the pandemic’s impact on our business as an opportunity to ensure that I was as valuable as possible to the organization and our clients.  More importantly, I wanted to be prepared for any transition.  Therefore, over the summer I secured my P&C license, focused on my professional development via a slew of LinkedIn Learning courses, and started preparing for the SHRM-CP exam in February. It was the professional wake-up call that I needed and taking action felt really empowering.”

Kayla Kanas, FIC, Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial

“2020 was a big year for me! Itwas my biggest volume year of my career to date.  I think the biggest reason for this success was my ability to quickly assess and adapt to the situation I was given: the pandemic.  I strengthened my relationships with my strategic partners, which allowed me to get in front of more people with a warm introduction.  I also really took advantage of technology this year; 18 months ago, I would have never even given any thought to meeting with my clients via video and now it has been a game changer and opened the door to so many new opportunities!”

Lisa Laliberte, State Farm Insurance

“This past year, I am most proud of the fact that I have been able to grow my team and grow the business. I was short-staffed at the office after losing two employees in 2018 due to one retiring and one leaving the industry, and a tough labor market in 2019 continued that situation.  At the start of 2020, I had to think outside my normal parameters to attract more applicants; I was able to hire two new team members, one who was actually new to the industry.  Then the pandemic hit, and we moved to working remotely. Training was a challenge, but my team and I adapted. We are back in the office now and I have added another full-time support person.  I have offered my team the support they need, both personally and professionally. They feel valued and appreciated and it is reflected in our increased production.”

Can’t wait to see what 2021 holds for all of us.  I’m excited. How about you?  I’d love to hear the goals you have set for the year, so feel free to reach out and share them. And don’t forget when you meet a Wonder Woman in our industry to make an introduction to me at scombs@combsandco.com   Be well!