Vision care is key in detecting underlying health issues, minimizing future health care expenses

Versant Health’s Dr. Mark Ruchman discusses how preventative eye care is critically important to detecting not only eye disease, but other potential chronic issues – which leads to better management of health care expenses.

Many companies offer a full array of health benefits, but employees often underutilize their vision coverage because they tend to underestimate the benefit of regular eye exams.  

According to Versant Health’s chief medical officer, Dr. Mark Ruchman, if individuals wait until they experience symptoms, the damage often irreversible can be done. It also positions them for increased health risk and potentially higher treatment expenses. 

“It would not be overstating the principle to say that the most important health care event you can do is a regular eye examination,” says Ruchman.

It’s vital for employers to understand that vision exams aren’t just about eyes. Rather, such exams play a role in managing the overall health of their workforce.

Routine eye exams can prompt early intervention for potential eye disease before symptoms surface, notes Ruchman. Exams can also give critical indicators about systemic health threats, such as diabetes, which may not yet manifest symptoms.

And while early detection is key to keeping employees healthy and minimizing treatment expenses, it can also help avoid a devastating financial consequence.

“The cumulative loss to the economy of productive citizens with preventable vision disability is on the order of billions of dollars,” says Ruchman.

Press play to learn more about the importance of vision care utilization and engaging employees with their eye health.

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