What’s the good news, ladies? March Madness

As first quarter comes to a close, I’m feeling encouraged. It seems like shifts that needed to happen have been made and women like Amy, Laura and Keri continue to be inspirational beacons.

If you’re like me, you’re experiencing some Spring Fever and are itching to get back to “normal.t I know that will probably still take a while, but hey, at least we have March Madness. I’m extra excited that the NCAA tournament is happening again after it was canceled last year!  It is such a fun time in for sports fans, and I think you have learned by now that I definitely fall into that category.  As first quarter comes to a close, I’m feeling encouraged.  It seems like shifts that needed to happen have been made and women like Amy, Laura and Keri continue to be inspirational beacons.  So get ready to be inspired!

Amy Blain, Vizance

“My proudest accomplishment from this past year was that I shifted my mindset with my clients, potential clients and the service team who supports them, from “I need” to “how can I give?” With the onset of COVID, this mentality served me well, because I was able to freely give time, information and energy to those around me without needing anything in return. Ironically, this also led my biggest revenue year ever. In addition, I grew my LinkedIn audience engagement and added valuable content to my YouTube Channel, “The Benefit Diaries,” which offers 1-2 minute videos educating consumers on how to better understand their health benefits. I will be so happy when the world returns to “normal,” but forever grateful for the lessons this past year has taught me.”

Laura J. Davis, LUTCF, FSCP, Laura Davis Insurance Agency, LLC

“Despite COVID challenges and staffing issues, I grew my book of business by 15% in theproperty & casualty lines and I finished out the year with a ranking of 317 out of over 2000 agents! Property & casualty insurance is my “bread and butter,” so I am always focused on growing this side of my agency to pay for the expenses of a day-to-day business and consider other sales opportunities as gravy. I am also actively trying to grow, as I became a 1099 contractor during 2018. I ran a one-woman show for six months from end of 2019 into 2020 and had no licensed assistant for six months total. In my world of P&C, that is tough. During 2020, I was able to get my insurance agency more streamlined with an office handbook, training guides, streamlined hiring process, and became more efficient within my organization. Now, I am ready to expand in 2021 by hiring more staff (I currently have one full-time assistant). On a personal note regarding the impact of COVID, I was the at-home teacher for my 8 year old during the end of the 2019-2020 school year along with taking care of my 4 year old. I also run my household, as my husband is out of town 50% of the year. Other than business growth, I am most happy about keeping good health for me and my family, and maintaining our sanity with the emotional help of great friends and mentors during the year.”

Keri Ohlrich, PhD, Abbracci Group

“My biggest business accomplishment over the past 12 months? Surviving! COVID has been tough on everyone, especially small businesses. Not only has my business survived, but I have also started new ideas that have been on the back burner. The hustle was already top of mind as a small business owner, and now, grants, loans and a new way of work has been added to that. Overall, not just surviving, but adapting and growing. I don’t want to say “going back to normal,” as we are moving ahead and doing it in a different way. Hearing phrases like, “it isn’t fair” or “unprecedented” could zap my energy, but I don’t allow it. I think about which behaviors I’m showing my son when it comes to how to manage himself during a crisis. I hope that I can model for him that while something may be devastating, you can learn and grow from it. A tall order for 2021, but I am up for the challenge.”

As always, make sure you connect me with other inspirational beacons in our industry. Just drop me a line at scombs@combsandco.com!  Who else is starting to get excited for BenefitsPro’s annual Broker Expo?!  Yours truly will be hosting the legendary Fast & Furious again this year!