Vision and dental: Engaging employees, delivering returns

Hear from Versant Health’s Courtney Smith-Brawner and SecureCare’s president Mark Popejoy as they discuss the benefits of offering both vision and dental care and why it’s critical for employers to understand the rewards.

Hear from Versant Health’s Courtney Smith-Brawner and SecureCare’s president Mark Popejoy as they discuss the benefits of offering both vision and dental care and why it’s critical for employers to understand the rewards.

Offering vision and dental coverage may simply seem like the right thing for employers to do. But the benefits far outweigh basic healthcare. According to SecureCare’s Mark Popejoy, dental and vision insurance are reasonably priced and can be a critical component of comprehensive benefits packages for several reasons.

“Dental and vision care are the most requested benefit after medical coverage,” says Popejoy. “It’s important for overall health and wellness, and it’s also a smart move to help recruit, retain and engage employees.”

Courtney Smith-Brawner, Versant Health’s regional vice president of third party sales, concurs. “Most people want to work at organizations where they feel valued and appreciated, and employee benefits are a significant draw for potential employees,” she says, adding that health benefits are far more appealing than even retirement plans or vacation days.

And while dental and vision care balance out health coverage, they can also offer practical and economic returns for all involved. Annual eye exams can assist in identifying chronic health issues, according to experts, and early detection can save in treatment and care costs.

“Offering a vehicle to obtain affordable oral and vision care becomes an invaluable benefit to many employees,” adds Smith-Brawner, especially in light of the financial hardships many have endured during the recent pandemic.

Listen to the podcast for more insight on the link between oral wellness and eye health, as well as incentives behind offering comprehensive health, vision and dental coverage.

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