Inequities in health care coverage and access remain despite legislative gains

Progress stalled nationally after 2016, and all deompgrahic groups have reported recent drops in coverage or access.

An interruption in progress has left many people vulnerable to the health and economic risk of lacking comprehensive and affordable insurance during a public health crisis.

Legislation to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage and improve access to care have led to some progress but continue to fall short of objectives.

The Affordable Care Act helped, especially in states that expanded eligibility for their Medicaid programs. However, after 2016, coverage gains stalled and slightly eroded. Combined with job and income losses stemming from COVID-19, this interruption in progress has left many people vulnerable to the health and economic risk of lacking comprehensive and affordable insurance during a public health crisis, particularly lower-income residents of the 14 states that have not expanded Medicaid.

The more recent American Rescue Plan Act provides non-expansion states with even greater incentives to expand their Medicaid programs to include all low-income adults. States that pursue expansion will receive a temporary increase in the federal matching rate for their existing Medicaid population and still will pay only 10% of the cost for the new enrollees.

Related: ACA marketplaces see decreasing premiums, healthier competition

In addition, the plan temporarily enhances premium subsidies for plans purchased through the marketplaces, including free premium plans for individuals with incomes up to $19,140 and families of four earning up to $39,300. President Biden’s American Families Plan proposes to make these subsidies permanent.

The Commonwealth Fund documented remaining inequities by updating its 2020 report on coverage and access inequities using data from 2013 through 2019. Among the key findings:

“New policies to expand health insurance coverage and to help those who are eligible to enroll will be necessary to cover more U.S. adults and further narrow racial and ethnic disparities,” the report concluded.

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