Americans want greater access to and sharing of electronic health data

Across political party lines, most adults support additional federal measures to improve the accurate exchange of records among health care providers.

Although most respondents want to use apps to access their health information, those who expressed serious privacy concerns nearly doubled when they were told that federal privacy protections do not cover data stored on apps.

While there are many bipartisan sticking points when it comes to health care reform, there’s one issue that the majority of Americans seem to agree is important: improving access to digital health records. Congress and private industry have invested billions of dollars over the past two decades to digitize health data–an investment that proved vital for many health care consumers during the pandemic.

Still, while attitudes are slowly changing, many Americans may be wary about sharing access to their personal information. The Pew Charitable Trust asked them in June and July of 2020 about what information they’re willing to share and how they would like to see it used. Among the key findings:

“As these systems continue to evolve, this survey shows that most Americans clearly recognize the potential benefits that improved health IT can offer, and they want this transformation of the health care system to continue,” the survey report concluded “The federal government, electronic health record and app developers, and health-care providers have an opportunity to address some longstanding concerns with America’s health IT systems. As this survey shows, patients are ready for them to take advantage of it.”

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