Choosing the right GA to help build your agency

  Independent agencies face unprecedented competition in today’s market, including the threat that well-funded challengers will lure clients…

Independent agencies face unprecedented competition in today’s market, including the threat that well-funded challengers will lure clients away with the latest tech solutions. Few brokers have the resources to build in-house capabilities to level up to the competition. What they do have is a deep understanding of their clients’ needs and a commitment to service that can’t be matched. The good news is that the right general agency (GA) can help you build a complete package that’s practically bulletproof against the competition.

Choosing the right GA is one of the most important decisions you can make for your agency. Most GAs offer access to insurance products and carriers, online quoting and enrollment, and sales support. But that alone isn’t enough. Consider these questions when evaluating a GA:

Here are some other things to look for in a general agency:

Broker marketing support

For some GAs, broker marketing consists of creating a boilerplate flyer and sending you on your way. That may have been enough five years ago, but not today. In the age of digital media, you need a GA that has a tech-driven marketing team to help you attract clients and boost your agency’s lead-generating efforts, including:

Sales support

Your GA should provide a dedicated sales team that’s responsive to the needs of you and your clients. That includes offering materials that are branded to your agency and customized to your groups.

Fast underwriting

You need a dedicated underwriting team that can leverage relationships and go the extra mile to get your groups approved fast. Having EDI connections with carriers is also beneficial in speeding the approval process.


The GA you work with should connect you with technology solutions and support to drive a more seamless business process including:

Market intelligence and support

Your GA should have a dedicated team that offers fast and personalized service. They should be able to pinpoint the best performing local carriers and networks to uncover the most advantageous mix for each of your clients.

HR and compliance support

The GA you work with should provide resources that allow you and your clients to stay up-to=date on all the key compliance issues.

Product choices

Your GA should have a large number of regional carrier contracts so you can bring more diversity to your portfolio. You should also have access to an ancillary benefits platform that’s easy to sell and administer.

In short, choose a GA that offers a full suite of technology, products and services to support your firm in today’s competitive marketplace, help you build your agency faster, and retain clients well into the future.  

Jack Lyons is the Regional SVP West Region Sales for Amwins Connect. where he is responsible for both Large and Small Group broker distribution. Amwins Connect is committed to providing brokers with the best medical & ancillary products and services across the US.