Maintaining mental health as the Delta variant takes over

Here are four ways employers can support their employees’ mental health during this uncertain time.

Mental health should be an ongoing priority for total wellbeing, not something that is only addressed during hardship.

We were all set to return to normal, but now with COVID-19 cases on the rise due to the Delta variant we’re taking steps backward. People are masking up again per CDC recommendations, vaccines are being more widely mandated, and many companies are postponing their return to office plans.

The Delta variant prompted renewed uncertainty around returning to work, schools reopening, travelling, childcare support, and more. We’ve already seen an increase in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD due to the seemingly never-ending changes brought on by the pandemic.

Related: A new side effect of the Delta variant: ‘Fear of meeting up’

Here are four ways employers can support their employees’ mental health during this uncertain time:

1. Have empathy

Chances are that most employees feel uneasy about returning to the office after working remotely and distancing from others for so long. Recent studies have found that remote work increases productivity, so there’s no need to rush back into the office. When employees truly don’t need to be present in person, communicate that your workforce can return at their own pace when the office reopens.

Another prevalent pain point for employees as the Delta variant surges is childcare. Working parents have been navigating how to balance their work and home life throughout the pandemic, and Delta’s arrival presents a major setback. Many childcare providers are closing, causing working parents to rethink their childcare strategies yet again. Some schools are delaying openings, asking children to quarantine, or canceling offerings like transportation and after-school programs. Give working parents an opportunity to discuss their challenges and concerns with their managers and allow them the flexibility to be present for their children.

Employers should also encourage their workforce to create boundaries while working remotely to prevent their work from bleeding into their personal life. Without the separation from home and the office, it’s harder for everyone to decompress and pull themselves away from the computer. Boundaries could include not sending late-night emails and designating a time for a non-working lunch. These meaningful first steps help grant employees autonomy in their day-to-day lives while showcasing genuine consideration for their wellbeing.

2. Open clear lines of communication

Finding solutions to reduce uncertainty can help ease your employees’ worries. Management should create a strong line of communication so employees aren’t left wondering what the next decision is regarding returning to work, masking in the office, and vaccine requirements. Develop a schedule for communicating these updates and ensure employees have a platform to speak up and ask questions. Weekly company-wide meetings can be a great resource for employees to feel heard and have their questions answered.

3. Offer the right resources

Mental health should be an ongoing priority for total wellbeing, not something that is only addressed during hardship. Audit your company’s mental health offerings to explore which benefits have high utilization rates and which are going unused. This information can help HR professionals create a benefits plan that allows people to select the type of mental health support that is relevant for them.

Access to inclusive and culturally competent mental health care is vital. When seeking mental health care – and healthcare in general – people feel more comfortable speaking with someone who understands their needs. For instance, LGBTQ+ individuals are much more comfortable when they know their clinicians are in or accepting of their community. Race and intersectionality are extremely important factors to keep in mind as well. Ensure your health plan network of mental health providers includes clinicians who are representative of your employees.

Other non-traditional resources could include a company-wide agreement to withhold from scheduling calls on Fridays or instituting mental health days. There is a plethora of resources that, no matter how small, may be right for your work culture that can make a substantial difference in morale.

4. Foster an environment that encourages emotion

Everyone has days when they are overwhelmed; sometimes enough so that their colleagues can see on a call that they are struggling. Management should consistently build a comfortable space for employees to share their feelings without fear. Simple actions like taking time during calls to ask how teammates are doing and checking in with employees who have demonstrated a change in behavior can make a significant difference.

Since sharing struggles in the workplace has traditionally been deemed taboo, employees may feel relieved to be approached about how they’re doing rather than broaching the topic themselves. Asking how someone “really is” improves working relationships and creates room for employees to speak up when they need it.

There’s no doubt that the mental health crisis has intensified in recent weeks, and it is taking a toll on our personal and professional lives. Employers must continue to make their employees mental health and wellbeing a priority as we navigate the next chapter of this pandemic together.

Dr. Nikole Benders-Hadi is medical director of behavioral health at Grand Rounds Health and Doctor On Demand.

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