What’s the good news, ladies? Here’s your syrup

The next two women in our series knows what it means to shift and how sometimes being at the right place at the right time can make a big impact. Please join me in welcoming Kim and Kari to the crew!

If you follow me on social, you probably know I just accomplished a major goal:  I wrote a book!  It launched on my late father’s birthday on 2/22/22 and it’s called “Pancakes for Roger:  A Mentorship Guide for Slaying Dragons.” This was definitely a labor of love for me and, to be honest, an emotional roller coaster.  At the end of the day, it’s a tribute piece to my father and my other mentors along the way, many of whom have been featured in this series!

The series continues to highlight incredible women in our industry. I’m in awe of the work we are all doing and inspired so much by everyone showing up and pulling their seat to the table.  The next two women in our series knows what it means to shift and how sometimes being at the right place at the right time can make a big impact. Please join me in welcoming Kim and Kari to the crew!

Kim Perez, J Donovan Financial

“I have worked in this industry for over 10 years, with much of my career taking place in large, top 20 firms.  Recently, I shifted my career to be a big fish in a smaller pond and I have been able to let my true passion shine.  This shift has allowed me to successfully implement and complete new workflows to allow for more efficient processing for our accounts across the board. In addition, I have been able to introduce innovative solutions to our clients as another value-added service.  I’m excited for this next year, as I know the stars have aligned for me with my new opportunity.  I’m in a role where my opinion matters, I have a seat at the table where I am able to strategize on the future of the firm and I know that the glass ceiling has already been shattered.”

Kari L. Niblack, Esq., ACS Benefit Services, LLC

“During the pandemic, I have been able to launch multiple clientinitiatives that positively impacted access and care integration towards whole-person delivery models, so that ACS is addressing every participant’s physical, mental and social needs, as well as aligning incentives to value, quality and/or outcomes.  In the past year, my team has increased overall ACS membership by more than 25% despite the pandemic and have demonstrated a keen focus on wellness initiatives and access to employee assistance programs for our clients.  One of my passions is to consciously and consistently cultivate diversity, equity and inclusion of thought by including underrepresented groups within my core leadership team.  My approach has always been to go beyond “team” and fully exemplify the concept of “family” in all facets of my leadership.”

Looking forward to connecting with more women and peers at the BenefitsPRO Broker Expo in May and the California Association of Health Underwriters Women’s Leadership Summit in March!  Let me know if you are going; I’d love to connect!  Also, we are continuing to slot Wonder Women for 2022!  Do you know a rockstar woman who fits the profile?  Send me an email to scombs@combsandco.com, as I’d love to connect with them!

Shameless Plug:  Curious about the book?  Pancakes for Roger is a series of quick, straightforward snapshots delivered with no fluff and a whole lot of heart.  It offers lessons from my father, Roger, and others so that you can lean on them, too, as you set out to slay your own dragons. – SLC