Unlimited PTO benefits both employees and employers when managed properly

There are a few steps employers can take to make unlimited PTO a resource employees are not afraid to use.

Having an open dialogue about PTO can make employees feel less guilty about taking time off and can help make it feel more normalized within the company. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Unlimited paid time off (PTO) was once a concept that employees could only dream about. But now with more than half of employers recently surveyed stating they are providing more mental health programs over the last two years, unlimited PTO feels more like a “when” than an “if” for most companies. Even so, unlimited PTO still comes with its challenges. For many employees, there is a concern about the optics of taking advantage of the policy and because of that, they end up not taking off as much as they should. So how can employers help their employees use unlimited PTO policies properly without feeling unnecessary guilt?

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The answer is rooted in proper management of the policy. There are a few steps employers can take to make unlimited PTO a resource employees are not afraid to use.

Encourage employees to think ahead

Looking into the future feels impossible – especially in the current world we live in. Some of us are not able to think past tomorrow. But, when it comes to unlimited PTO, looking ahead is critical.

Employers should encourage their employees to schedule PTO a year in advance, where possible. Most people know at least some of the time when they need vacation. When looking at the full calendar and company holidays, employees can start seeing gaps in their calendars they can fill with things like family vacations or solo adventures.

The most important thing to remember is that it doesn’t need to be precise; putting time off can happen monthly or even quarterly. Employees can always go back in and adjust as needed. They should recognize the importance of taking time to recharge. Planning time off in advance gives everyone the added benefit of having something to look forward to.

Be active in the process

Managers should take an active role in encouraging time off. They should reach out to employees directly when they notice the employee has no scheduled time off. Having an open dialogue about PTO can make employees feel less guilty about taking time off and can help make it feel more normalized within the company.

Highlighting the benefits of time off is also a part of being active in the process. Sharing personal experiences from PTO can go a long way. If managers are prioritizing their time off, other employees will too.

The future is unlimited

Long are the days of employees “saving vacation days” for December just in case they need them. With unlimited PTO, employers are allowing for staggered vacation days which helps everyone involved as it prevents an entire team from being out of the office at once. Additionally, unlimited PTO allows employees to make decisions that are right for them and shows that their time and overall wellbeing is valued. If employees take the time they need outside of work to find the balance they need in their personal lives, they will bring their full selves back to the workplace.

Unlimited PTO offers employees a number of benefits; however, the policy has to be rolled out properly in order for employees to really experience the full extent of those benefits. Managers play an important role in that – encouraging employees to plan ahead when taking PTO and taking an active role in the process if employees are not taking full advantage of the policy.

Most importantly, unlimited PTO gives employees an opportunity to recharge on their terms and in the time that works best for them.

Rachel Hadley is COO with Kite Hill PR.

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