Sidecar Health moves into group plan market

Sidecar Health will launch a new group plan for fully insured employers in Ohio.

Plans call for expanding the offering, which includes HSA-compatible options, to other states. (Image: Shutterstock)

Sidecar Health will launch a new group plan for fully insured employers in Ohio with 51 or more employees. Like Sidecar’s other plans, it will offer the ability to see any doctor, transparent and upfront pricing, and access to a U.S.-based Member Care team, according to the company. It also will offer health savings account-compatible plan options with savings of nearly 40% compared to other coverage options in Ohio, officials said.

“Everyone deserves access to care,” Patrick Quigley, founder and chief executive officer of Sidecar Health, said in a statement. “Sidecar Health is about providing our members with complete transparency and the ability to shop for the best care possible independently. Expanding our offerings to employers was naturally the next step for Sidecar Health, and we are excited to continue expanding our offerings to reach and benefit more and more people.” Plans call for establishing similar group plans in additional states.

Related: Sidecar expands sales of it indemnity health insurance plans

Based in El Segundo, Calif., Sidecar Health is an insurtech startup, defined by Investopedia as a company that uses technology innovations “designed to squeeze out savings and efficiency from the current insurance industry model.”

Company officials have built a model in which members can pay for care directly when they receive it using the Sidecar Health VISA benefit card. This allows them to see upfront how much they’ll receive for any service, but they also can compare prices between providers to shop around for care, according to the company. Employers, meanwhile, benefit from significantly reduced rates compared to other insurance plans while still providing their employees quality health insurance benefits.

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