Pandemic forcing employers to rethink workforce strategies

The PwC Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022 shines a bright light on current worker attitudes, while highlighting ways employers can support those needs from both a professional and personal standpoint.

Among the many impacts the pandemic has had on workers, one of the most important might have been giving some the opportunity to reflect. Workers are increasingly seeking greater opportunities, inclusive environments and the ability to be heard in meaningful ways. And employers would be well advised to heed these calls in an already tight labor market.

The PwC Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022 shines a bright light on current worker attitudes, while highlighting ways employers can support those needs from both a professional and personal standpoint.

The survey of 52,000 people in 44 countries found that 65% of employees are discussing sensitive topics at work, with some very promising and possibly surprising results. Respondents say these types of discussions allow for better understanding of colleagues (41%), create a more open and inclusive work environment (34%), help them process their own views (32%), make them more confident to share views (31%) and increase empathy (28%).

Related: Workplace satisfaction at a 20-year low: Survey 

“These discussions are happening despite little active effort on the part of organizations to facilitate them,” notes the report. “Only 30% of employees said their company provides support to help them work effectively with people who share different views. This is a missed opportunity, given the importance of empathy and openness in building trust.”

This opportunity is especially relevant to employers currently, given that the survey says 20% of employees say they are likely to switch employers in the next 12 months. And those likely to leave are 14% points less fulfilled in their jobs compared to those who have no intention of leaving their current positions.

The report suggest that leaders can make progress by establishing norms, offering resources and helping ensure that these conversations happen in safe, no-judgment environments. “These environments should emphasize listening—not reaching solutions or generating consensus—and thus represent growth opportunities for senior executives as well, who are often much more comfortable in problem-solving mode.”

But are employers taking advantage of new found opportunities to address skills? Not so much. Only 40% of employees said their company is upskilling, and only 26% said their employer is automating or enhancing work through technology. Both numbers are low enough to suggest considerable room for improvement.

Meanwhile, turnover remains largely related to compensation, with 71% of employees saying that being fairly rewarded financially is the most important factor when considering a change in work environment. Meanwhile, 69% cited job fulfillment as the top factor, while 66% said it was being allowed to truly be themselves.

And as the pandemic has changed expectations about work in general, a majority of workers prefer (63%) and expect (63%) hybrid work options, while 18% expect to fully remote work as an option and 11% prefer full-time remote.

The results represent another start reminder for employers who must continue to tailor their workforce strategy to the unique needs of their workers, the report says. “Most organizations will need to align their purpose and trust agenda, create the right environment for employees to address social and political issues, commit to pay transparency, double down on inclusion and invest in leadership development to make all this happen.”