Adapting DE&I to the in-person workplace

Q&A with Arthur Woods, cofounder of diversity hiring tech company Mathison on steps employers can take to foster diversity and inclusion.

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As workers head back, whether reluctantly or eagerly, into the physical workplaces they left behind over two years ago, employers have an important task: Adapt diversity, equity and inclusion policies from the world of Zoom meetings and IMs to the in-person workplace. This is all the more crucial because of the social, economic, and psychological challenges of in-person work.

Creating the right culture is key, as is company-wide involvement in DEI efforts, says Arthur Woods, cofounder of diversity hiring tech company Mathison, which offers an end-to-end DEI operating system.

Arthur Woods, cofounder of diversity hiring tech company Mathison

Woods is also the coauthor of Hiring for Diversity: The Guide to Building an Inclusive and Equitable Organization. Before founding Mathison, he led operations for YouTube’s Education division and oversaw YouTube for Schools.

Are you working directly with any clients who are returning to the office full time or in a hybrid model? How is this impacting their DEI efforts?

Yes, there are 3 major trends we are seeing with return to office:

  1. Employers that are mandating a full return to office full time – mostly financial or manufacturing groups
  2. Employers offering flexible work from home with 1-3 days required in the office per week – this varies between specifically mandated days and the option to choose which days each week
  3. Employers that are encouraging employees to work virtually 100% – this is what Mathison is doing and coordinating periodic team retreats

Options 2 and 3 have created more accessible work options for working parents, people with disabilities and neurodiverse individuals

A lot of companies first enacted DEI plans in the summer of 2020, when most of the world was still working remotely. What are some of the things these companies need to keep in mind when they transition back to the office?

What we saw in 2020 were reactive, long overdue responses to a massive wave in the movement for racial justice in America; and while some of the resulting actions are sustaining themselves, others are not. Unfortunately, a lot of these companies are falling behind on their DEI goals because they either didn’t have the guidance or infrastructure to set realistic goals, or they sequestered DEI in an HR silo and didn’t make it an imperative for the whole company.

That said, going from remote to hybrid or in-office again can certainly complicate those DEI initiatives that are garnering results. “Hybrid equity” is a phrase a lot of companies are using to describe the process of making sure that employees are getting equal opportunities whether they’re remote, hybrid or in the office full-time. But ideally, hybrid equity is about more than just opportunities for employee growth and advancement – it’s about making sure that all employees are entitled to the same degree of psychological safety whether they’re working remotely or in the office.

How can employers audit their cultures for inclusivity?

You can look at this a number of ways. First, there’s the pay component. Is there equal pay for equal work? Are raises distributed equitably? Does everyone have equal access to benefits?

Second, you have the demographic component. How many people from traditionally marginalized groups are you hiring? Are they confined to entry-level positions, or are they assuming positions at the mid and executive levels as well?

There’s also the social element, which really defines your culture, but can also be difficult to measure. Employee surveys are great for direct feedback, but companies need to ensure they have complete buy-in from their teams to get a real gauge of how they’re feeling. “Stay interviews” have become a popular retention tactic here in the era of the Great Resignation, but they can also give employees a chance to speak at length about any challenges they’re facing in terms of workplace culture and belonging.

That said, some employees may be uncomfortable sharing their thoughts around this, and it’s on management to keep a finger on the pulse of their company’s culture and make sure everyone feels safe and empowered.

What are a few steps employers can take today to build a more inclusive workplace?

Using inclusive language is a great place to start. Companies can use AI tools that check for bias to get started, but ongoing training and education are critical here. Investing in DEI training for the whole company, not just HR, will help give everyone the social tools to foster a more inclusive workplace.

Another strategy is to make sure inclusivity extends to recruitment and interviews. Through inclusive interviews, not only are you going to hire more diverse candidates, but you’re going to help reshape your company’s reputation as an inclusive place to work.

Will a truly inclusive company always offer remote work?

To some extent, yes. There are jobs that obviously cannot be done remotely, but for those that can, the option to be fully remote shows that a company is willing to make their workplace accessible to as many potential employees as possible.

We’ve already seen that women and people of color tend to prefer remote work, but that should also be a sign to companies that they need to make their in-person environments more inclusive. Offering remote work also reduces barriers for people who may be the perfect fit for a position, but cannot afford the cost of living where a company is based, or for disabled people for whom commuting and working in an office are physical hardships.