Next-generational health benefits can attract and retain critical talent

67% of patients encountered lower costs when using a digital front door compared to in-person visits.

(Photo: fizkes/

While the COVID-19 pandemic is not the sole reason for the rise and broad implementation of virtual medicine, it was, and still is, viewed as the central catalyst to the advent of virtual care. Due to circumstances and necessity, COVID-19 pushed patients and society at large into the online care space, allowing for access to health care as well as making patient safety a central priority.

Amidst the pandemic, a survey from the Care Coalition Telehealth Workgroup showed that 67% of patients encountered lower costs when using a digital front door compared to in-person visits. This study also found that 78% of patients report that their telehealth visit addressed their concerns and immediate needs.

Times have changed and quarantine is a thing of the past; patients can now physically see their primary care and other providers; what is still driving the evolution of digital health today?

Labor fluidity

In 2021, more than 40 million Americans left their jobs, sparking the phrase “The Great Resignation.” This trend continues throughout 2022. In May alone, 4 million voluntarily separated from their employer in search of better opportunities.

Presently, this economic phenomenon is referred to as “The Great Reshuffle.” People are seeking hybrid/remote working, a better work-life balance, or finding a position with better offerings such as pay or benefits.

In a post-pandemic landscape, employee benefits are becoming one of the most critical aspects for candidates to consider when evaluating a job offer. With that in mind, employers are revisiting their health care benefits packages and breathing new life into them.

As an indication of things to come, 87% of US employers reported placing enhanced health care benefits as a top priority for their company. These next-generation benefits would include things such as virtual primary care (VPC) or professional care in the home or workplace.

Some of the perks that employers and employees can come to expect from next-generational benefits include:

Employers are hoping that through revitalizing offerings to include next-generational health benefits such as VPC and in-home care, they can retain current skilled talent while also being able to convince candidates who might be on the fence to make the jump and join their company.

The next step in behavioral care

The global pandemic, its corresponding health detriments, and volatile markets have filled our lives with anxiety and boundless uncertainty, taking tolls on our physical and mental health.

It should come as no surprise that according to the American Psychological Association, demand for behavioral disorder treatments such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, and others all saw increases between 2020 and 2021.

Now, as the world emerges into a new “normal,” and appointments can be held in person or virtually, an overwhelming 96% of psychologists plan to provide/offer remote, digital services to their patients.

Substantive change while maintaining a personal touch

Visiting Dr. Google is an exercise leading to inevitable frustration, confusion, and misdiagnosis. Wishing for an online expert to explain symptoms and then hoping for an accurate finding is unreliable and can lead patients down the wrong path.

Page after page, search after search, it’s just not the fastest, most accurate way to get credible health information in today’s modern age. Next-generation health care services such as VPC, telehealth support for both physical and behavioral health needs, and in-home care can provide clear and consistent treatment by professionals who are held up to the same rigorous standards as the providers you would see in person. The difference is that virtual care makes the process streamlined, convenient, and accessible. Select digital front door solutions can also provide patients with access to the same evidence-based clinical information that providers use, eliminating the uncertainty around your average Google search.

Related: Attract and retain employees with a modern employee benefits program

As the world welcomes new normalcy, patients are going to keep the digital front door wide open to continue access to the quality of care they have come to expect. Next-generational benefits provide high-quality care at a reduced cost while maintaining simplicity and ease of use. This dynamic can lead to empowered patients determining health-related decisions with the ultimate goal of providing access and comfort to needed health services.

Keith Algozzine is co-founder and CEO of UCM Digital Health. A board-certified Physician Assistant, he was formerly the Chief PA of Emergency Medicine for St. Mary’s Hospital in Troy, NY, where he witnessed firsthand the challenges of the modern health care system. Keith was also part of the national ER startup management team for Pegasus Emergency Medicine. He represents UCM Digital Health on the American Telemedicine Association Accreditation Advisory Board and serves as an advisor to the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committees dealing with telemedicine considerations for urgent and emergency care.