How current clients can help you get new business

It’s simple. They like you and want to help you succeed (and oftentimes, it make them look good too).

It’s a small world.  This is true in industries, towns, neighborhoods and even big cities.  Word gets around. People know the major players and the up-and-coming stars. They also know the people who are ethical and consider their job as a career. Hopefully this describes you and your business of providing benefits plans to businesses.

Agents and advisors often develop friendships with clients. Over the years this might have involved going out to ball games together or getting together over lunch.  Today this might include having children the same age, social media connections or having the same taste in music.

Why would these relationships develop into friendships? Because you have positioned yourself as a trusted partner, someone who provides a good product their employees like. If there are issues, you step in to resolve them quickly. The bottom line is simple: They like you and want to help you succeed.

They understand you succeed in three ways: Renewing business, deepening relationships and establishing new relationships at other firms. As HR professionals, they get it.

Six ways friends can help get you get new clients

Let us look at six ways your current clients can help you get more business:

  1. People who used to work at their firm. Your friend isn’t the only HR professional in the department. There are lots more. People change jobs. It’s been said people have about a dozen jobs in their lifetime. How they can help: Your client has a friend who used to work alongside them, doing basically the same job. They got a better offer and changed firms, now working for a competitor or in the same role, but a different industry. Your friend can call their friend, talk you up and ask them to give you an appointment to tell your story and compete for business.
  2. Members of their professional association. People in the same field tend to gather together. There are more than a dozen, focused on different disciplines. Each should have local chapters. How they can help: Your HR professional knows other HR professionals at different firms.  They also know the events their local chapter has planned, speaking opportunities and the opportunities for event sponsorship. They can help showcase you.
  3. Deepening the relationship. You do a certain amount of business with their firm. The relationship is a good one. You also offer other products and services that are outside your internal friend’s span of control. How they can help: You can sit down with your friend and review the menu of services your firm provides. They can tell you if the firm uses that service and if not. Is there a need?  They can tell you the name of the internal contact you need to reach.
  4. Chamber of Commerce. Your firm belongs to the Chamber.  You offer a range of services suitable for smaller businesses. Your friend is more active in the Chamber than you. How they can help: Once your friend knows how you can help small business owners, they can introduce you to potential prospects at Chamber events.
  5. Survey employee satisfaction. Your firm’s contract will be coming up for renewal.  This might mean competing against newcomers to win the business again. You suggest surveying employees to gauge satisfaction. How they can help:  Your friend might be able to get this approved or get the idea a fair hearing, provided the survey is conducted internally by the company. Having employee satisfaction on your side is a powerful benefit.
  6. Helping your client’s firm compete. Everyone is having problems hiring qualified candidates. Your friend might be able to share why they are losing out to competitors or why retention is a problem. How they can help:  Now it is your turn to help your friend.  If you determine the benefits offered elsewhere are superior, you can let them know how your firm could enhance their offerings and what the cost would be.

In each of these situations you are acting ethically. Inside information is not involved. Friends help friends where they can, especially when the outcome is a benefit for all concerned and in the best interests of employees. Put another way, you are often making them look good.

Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc. He provides HNW client acquisition training for the financial services industry. His book, “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” is available on Amazon.