'Good service' isn’t a differentiator, but delivering improved results sure is

Quality service is a client’s minimum expectation.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

As a producer’s book-of-business grows, it becomes more difficult to continue selling new business. A growing book creates service demands and eats away at prospecting and selling time. But it doesn’t have to.

In an attempt to secure and reassure new clients, producers undermine future growth opportunities by saying, “If you need anything, call me.”

You can’t blame them. In marketing messages and sales presentations, many agencies claim, “Service sets us apart.”

Don’t get me wrong, providing good service is critical. If you don’t address service issues, you’ll get fired. Quality service is a client’s minimum expectation.

But claiming to meet this minimum expectation better than anyone else doesn’t set you apart. The belief that it’s a differentiator keeps producers from focusing on delivering creative and proactive impacts.

And even worse, you potentially damage your relationship with the client, as the service experience they end up having is worse due to your well-intended offer to call you for any needs they have.

When clients have a problem, they want it resolved quickly and efficiently. When they call their broker, chances are they will have to leave a voicemail, starting a game of phone tag. Once they connect, the broker will begin a similar round of phone tag with the carrier. And then once the carrier has their answer, the games of phone tag play out again in reverse order.

The client has been underserved; it has taken longer to get their answer than necessary. But that’s still not the worst part.

Even if going through the producer somehow didn’t slow down the process, the relationship will likely take a hit.

If the producer returns to the client with an answer the client doesn’t like, guess who now owns that negative answer in the client’s mind? Yep.

Instead of telling your new client to call with every issue, try something like this: “For most of the plan service issues you have, the most efficient way to get them resolved will be to call the number on your insurance card. We wouldn’t partner with anyone we didn’t believe provides the service our clients deserve.

Whoever answers the phone will have already answered the same question seven times that day. But if their answer doesn’t make sense or you don’t agree, your next call should be to my team.”

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By leveraging the abilities, knowledge, and skill set of all the partners you bring to the table: • Your client will likely get the fastest and most accurate answer. • The service demands on you and your team will be cut dramatically. • You put yourself in a position to be the hero. When their second call comes, you can step in and get a better answer on their behalf. • You can focus on proactive ways of helping clients improve their results.

If you still feel service is your most significant differentiator, you need to work on your value proposition. If you aren’t comfortable leveraging your partners to help, you need to re-evaluate your recommendations.

“Good service” isn’t a differentiator, but delivering improved results sure is.