Congress passes SECURE 2.0: How retirement plans will change in 2023 and beyond

This landmark legislation will open up retirement savings to millions more of Americans by expanding auto-enrollment, providing emergency savings, offering student loan/employer match contributions, and more.

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Christmas came early for consumers and retirement advisors late last week when Congress passed – and President Joe Biden signed into law – a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that includes SECURE 2.0 Act retirement savings legislation.

“With the passage of SECURE 2.0, millions more Americans now have a better chance at retirement success,” said John James, managing director of the Vanguard Institutional Investor Group. “This landmark legislation makes it easier for participants to save for their future by broadening Americans’ access to the retirement savings system through expanded automatic enrollment and escalation; novel portability efforts; and greater transparency around target-date fund performance.”

As the year winds down, financial experts are unwrapping that gift to determine the implications for investors in 2023 and beyond.

“The passage of this legislation means Congress has done three vital things:  [1] validated that emergency savings matters, belong in the retirement system, should include an option for automatic enrollment and be eligible for employer matches; [2] provided legislative clarity on concrete ways for plan sponsors and vendors to create practical emergency savings options in retirement plans; and [3] beginning in 2027, provided more-accessible tax incentives to contribute to retirement plans,” said Timothy Flacke, cofounder and executive director of Commonwealth.

The Washington Post summarized the key provisions of the legislation:

Related: SECURE 2.0: What it means for employers, benefits brokers and plan advisors

The bottom line is that SECURE 2.0 will help Americans better prepare for retirement, said Greg Wilson, partner and head of institutional client business for Goldman Sachs Ayco Personal Financial Management.

“Our research shows that a growing number of retirement savers face a vortex of unique and significant financial challenges throughout their working years that can derail their retirement savings,” he said. “Provisions in the SECURE 2.0 Act are key changes that can help working Americans overcome expected and unexpected obstacles to saving.”

The full text of the legislation is available at