How virtual specialty care provides answers and human connection

By guiding employers to virtual specialty care, we guide the benefits industry toward a more economical, sustainable, and people-centric future.

When it comes to health care, fast, convenient access is critical—especially when facing health concerns or the fear of serious illness. Yet it can take nearly a month to get an appointment with a doctor or specialist, and it’s only getting worse. Facility closures, staffing shortages, and continued supply chain problems mean overtaxed physicians are leaving the field in droves; the wait times for appointments will continue to increase. 

To complicate matters further, a trifecta of rampant viruses—COVID, flu, and RSV—are hammering the health care system, leaving patients desperate for answers. These patients are attempting to use their employer provided health care benefits, and want their health questions and concerns answered by a high caliber, knowledgeable doctor—but they are not receiving the prompt attention and expertise they require.

As employees struggle to make appointments, they are limited by the capacity of the health care system in their own geography, at exactly the time when they are most concerned about viruses and underlying health conditions that could cause them real harm. Access to high quality, affordable medical expertise is needed now, more than ever.

Access and answers 

Today’s most advanced health care technology, virtual specialty care, can relieve pressure on the health system, speed access to care, and restore the value of employer-provided health care benefits. Virtual specialty care provides access within days to the nation’s leading doctors across more than 120 specialties and subspecialties, and it operates independently of the geographic factors of health system capacity. 

Virtual specialty care helps employees access the health care benefits employers have already paid for, but it does more than that: It brings greater efficiency to health care (getting employers “even more for their money”) while delivering a sustained, supportive connection between employees and physicians. Virtual specialty care serves as the clinical front door for employee health concerns ranging from allergies to complex cancer diagnoses. 

A recent survey by Summus found most U.S. adults visit specialists frequently, and 87% are satisfied meeting their specialist in a virtual setting. This highlights the opportunity for virtual specialty care to provide a meaningful and lasting benefit to employees. Survey results also revealed that Americans want more quality time with doctors, reinforcing the need for stronger patient-provider relationships that support better health outcomes.

Not just fast, but personal 

Virtual specialty care provides frictionless access to broad and deep networks of leading specialists, for any health question or condition, at any level of illness, knowledge, or experience. Employers purchase membership in a virtual specialty care network as an employment benefit. And since this benefit centers around access, support, and human connection, it not only improves health, but ensures that employees feel seen, heard, and understood. The advantages of access to virtual specialty care are numerous:

Employees value human connection and timely answers from the best of the best in medicine, which supports engagement in their health and in the workplace. The option to engage with virtual high-quality medical expertise results in reduced health care costs and fewer emergency department and urgent care visits. Plus, employees develop the knowledge and skill needed to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, granted by physicians who, in return, value the opportunity to get back to the art of medicine by helping people. 

Virtual specialty care is a universally satisfying benefit that provides fast access across the continuum of health questions and journeys—and which restores the human connection in health care at a time when the system is strained and employees long for access to specialists who can help them. By guiding employers to virtual specialty care, we guide the benefits industry toward a more economical, sustainable, and people-centric future.

Julian Flannery is the CEO of Summus.