An ideal job has several attributes: It offers work that is challenging and fun, a supportive environment with possibilities for advancement, and solid medical insurance as well as other benefits. All of that is well and good, but as murmurs of encroaching economic instability increase in volume, the main concern of most workers these days appears to echo that of late-'80s pop philosophers Calloway:
Money. Lots and lots of money.
A study reveals that more than 90% of workers are reevaluating their financial and career choices in response to recession worries, with eight in 10 saying their current salaries have not kept up with recent inflation. Nearly half of the workers surveyed said they feel pushed by economic anxieties to find higher-paying jobs. A new survey from Adzuna points the way towards those jobs. The job search engine analyzed 17.9 million listings on its site to find the positions with the biggest year-over-year salary increases as well as vacancies. "Our findings show that sectors such as education, travel, healthcare and cleantech/environmental science will be the most lucrative of 2023," says Adzuna chief customer officer Paul Lewis. According to the research, nursing jobs have the largest number of open roles, with 399,785 vacancies in December 2022. Delivery driver jobs follow with 222,369 vacancies, and sales support assistants round out the top three with 216,161 vacancies. The job with the biggest change in demand is kitchen porter, which went up from 460 advertised vacancies in November 2021 to 29,337 vacancies in December 2022—a 6,277.6% change. The average advertised salary in December was $26,796, a 0.9% rise from November 2021's advertised salary of $26,560, Adzuna reports. See our slideshow above for
Adzuna's jobs with the biggest salary raises of 2022.