Effective communication strategies - with Stacy Fry

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features rockstar Stacy Fry, Director of Communications at AIA, Alera Group. We dive straight into a discussion packed with tips and strategies for effectively communicating with clients as well as how she furthers the industry through her work with local and national insurance organizations.

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features rockstar Stacy Fry, Director of Communications at AIA, Alera Group, out of Central Pennsylvania.

We dive straight into a discussion packed with tips and strategies for effectively communicating with clients as well as how she furthers the industry through her work with local and national insurance organizations like NAHU/NABIP. Stacy discusses her three key strategies for communicating with employees about benefits, tools and technologies that have changed the game for her through COVID and the change to virtual meetings, as well as how her work within the industry through mentorship and leadership programs helps brokers, carriers, and other professionals meet and work together.

So, are you ready for more? Go ahead and grab your favorite ice-cold beverage and tap that play button, to tune in to this week’s edition of the #RockstarsRocking podcast.

Episode highlights:

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