What’s the good news, ladies?  And we March on...

These three women in our industry that I recently met are turning good into great every single day. Their lives have shifted along the way and what they set out to do career-wise has grown and evolved along with them.

It’s that time people! My favotie time of the year: March Madness (MIZ, Baby!)  Just something about it makes you believe in miracles and know that anything can happen; underdogs can cause havoc and legacies can walk away with hat in hand.  No matter what happens, it’s so much fun if you’re a sports fan.  Having grown up in the midst of “Friday Night Lights,” many communities love our college teams and honestly base our dating prospects on fandom, at times.  But when it comes to sports, it can be such a lesson on leadership if you pay attention.  My good friend, Robin Pingeton, is head coach of the University of Missouri girls basketball team. She is such an example of leadership in action.  “Players don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,” Pingeton says. “My goals are to compete for championships, but my passion is to impact people’s lives and make a positive influence. It goes way beyond the sport.  Sooner or later, the ball’s going to stop bouncing. What’s going to last are the relationships.”  Isn’t this what we strive to do this in our industry every day?  Of course, we want to win more clients, but how we make our clients feel and how we directly impact their lives is what can turn good into great.  

These three women in our industry that I recently met are turning good into great every single day.  Their lives have shifted along the way and what they set out to do career-wise has grown and evolved along with them.  Meet Sarah, Dawn and Sarah and be inspired by their journeys!  

Sarah Howlett, MBA, True Rx Health Strategies

“I obtained an MBA, thinking my career in hospital administration and business development was my “forever.”  However, things changed dramatically when I was tasked to grow an employer clinic model for my hospital system. Here, for the first time, my focus was shifted from the physician perspective to the employer and patient perspective.  I had patients coming to me in tears about plan and pharmacy expenses and it drove me to want to create positive change. I impulsively chose to leave my hospital career and became a licensed consultant, where I carefully chose my current employer.  I am nearing my first year in the pharmacy benefit space and exceeded my first-year goal by nearly 250%.  My results can only be attributed to my passion in teaching consultants about the self-funded space and introducing them to valued partners I have met along the way.”

Dawn Burnett. 6 Degrees Health

“Over the last 12 months, I have begun truly living my passion of giving clients back their financial power when it comes to all things “medical insurance”.  As a trusted sales advisor with 6 Degrees Health, I have been able to empower employers firsthand with access to true health care price transparency as the key to understanding and controlling the claims that drive overall cost.   I’ve worked hard to earn a reputation as a trusted and ethical advisor for the brokers and consultants that I work with and the employers that I serve.  This reputation is critical to my soul’s satisfaction.  When I reflect back on my career, it’s focused on an unwavering commitment to all that my life has been fortunate to touch.”

Sarah Taylor, Chieftess of Ops, Revolution Benefits Group

“One year ago, I would have never imagined being where I am today. I co-owned a small brokerage, where it was just me and my Funkle (fun-uncle). I kept busy wearing all the hats, until all of a sudden, the business just took off, and I put on the biggest hat I ever had as Chieftess of Ops. 

This past year, I hired my first employee and became a trainer, manager, and mentor all in a few mere months. I get to be a part of an amazing team that continues to grow and, at the same time, I get to contribute to making a positive impact on our clients and the communities we serve. Our second business is getting off the ground and going strong, and I couldn’t be more proud of all involved who helped make this a reality. I am both excited and nervous about what’s yet to come. But I’m ready for it!”

I also wanted to take a quick second to say “thank you” to those who helped support our annual Pancakes for Roger for February!  We ended up with over 700 participants and had all 50 states, all 7 continents and 24 total countries participating this year!    

Know of any fantastic women in our industry?  I’d like to know them, too!  Please help with this effort and shoot an email to scombs@combsandco.com, as I’d love to connect and get them connected with our Wonder Woman tribe!