SECURE 2.0: Big boost for small retirement plans and participants

The auto-enrollment and auto-escalation provisions within the new legislation could be perhaps the biggest catalyst for helping American workers accumulate wealth, according to a new report.

SECURE 2.0 Act

More than a third (38%) of Americans say not having enough money saved for retirement is among their most significant sources of financial stress. New workplace retirement savings plan rules could help, especially for those working for smaller employers.

Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0, passed in December 2022, builds on 2019 legislation that laid the foundation for American workers to better save for retirement. The new legislation includes several provisions designed to incentivize employers to offer workplace retirement plans, promote employee participation and encourage stronger contribution activity.

Related: Guiding retirement savers in 2023: New opportunities abound from SECURE 2.0

The Cerulli Edge—U.S. Retirement Edition report outlined some of the new provisions and how and when they will impact employers:

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The Cerulli study also asked DC consultants which investments their firm is most likely to recommend to DC plan clients as an in-plan retirement income option; 68% said target-date series with a guaranteed income component followed by 50% indicating target-date series with an income vintage, 36% pointing to a multi-asset-class managed payout strategy, and 9% each choosing standalone in-plan annuity products or a fixed income strategy. Respondents were allowed to select up to two options. “Dividend-yielding equity strategy” and “I would not recommend an in-plan retirement income product/solution” were options but were not selected.

Kristen Beckman is a freelance writer based in Colorado. She previously was a writer and editor for ALM’s Retirement Advisor magazine and LifeHealthPro online channel.