EAPs: not just a therapist in the workplace

CEOs, human resources professionals, and insurance brokers need to take another look at their EAP program.

Like many of the public or even some in the Human Resources and Benefits world, I came to the Employee Assistance world not truly understanding what they actually did. After two years of leading this amazing organization, I have learned about the dedication, the hard work, and the specific skills that Employee Assistance Professionals possess and perform on a daily basis.

The most common misconception revolves around the belief that EAPs are clinical therapists in the workplace. While many EAPs hold clinical licenses such as MSWs or PhDs, EAP work is a profession that is centered around supporting employees to be productive. EAPs are frequently called to assess and refer a wide range of situations to help employees live their best lives while remaining productive in the workspace. Many EAPs regularly address areas such as:

From a corporate perspective, EAPs are well worth the investment. Researcher, Dr. Mark Attridge found in his 2021 Workplace Outcome Suite study that EAPs significantly reduce issues such as:

“Most of the financial return came from changes in the work presenteeism outcome (lost hours of work productivity) …. Results for the year 2019 had an ROI of $4.29:1. For the COVID-19 pandemic year 2020, the ROI was $5.04:1. This means there was a positive ROI for both years, but it was slightly higher for the pandemic year, largely because of greater use rates of the EAP. The business case is especially strong when considering the cost of the EAP benefit is about 1% of total benefit budget.”

CEOs, human resources professionals, and insurance brokers need to take another look at their EAP program. They need to be assured that the EAPs on staff are true EAPs. True EAPs will help employees live their best lives.

Read more: 3 benefit trends to watch in 2023 (and beyond)

The Employee Assistance Professional Association supports a certification called the CEAP (Certified Employee Assistance Professional). (https://eapassn.org/page/CEAPgeneral) When EAPs hold this credential, they have been educated and tested and proven themselves to be at the gold standard of their profession. I strongly recommend that your company accept only the gold standard because your employees and your ROI deserve it.

Julie Fabsik-Swarts, MS, CFRE, CAP, Chief Executive Officer – Employee Assistance Professional Association