Majority of Gen Z workers integrating data to improve daily performance, report finds

Some employers don’t make enough productivity-related data and other metrics available to employees.

While many businesses prioritize autonomy and workplace flexibility to improve worker productivity, 65% of employees say that a lack of data is what most negatively impacts the  ability to do their jobs. That’s according to a new report issued by the digital workplace platform Slingshot.

Part one of the two-part “2023 Digital Works Trend Report” explores the relationship between productivity and workers’ access to data or other metrics within an organization that illustrate performance and progress. According Slingshot, the report “shines a light on how data … is now not only accessible to employees, but a critical and necessary part [of] their productivity.”

“Over the last two decades, we’ve seen a shift in how decisions in the workplace are made — going from gut instincts and seniority-led decisions to those based on data that’s now more widely accessible,” Dean Guida, Slingshot’s founder, said in a statement. “This is especially true of newer generations that are particularly tuned into the value of being able to quantify their work and re-route their focus if something isn’t working.”

The report, based on responses from 305 adults working full-time as employees and leaders across four age groups in all 50 states, also offers an in-depth look into some of the other factors currently impacting how employees do their job and the quality of their work, including their relationship with leaders.

Additional insights from the report include the following:

Related: Cultivating belonging for Gen Z in the workforce

“Data is bigger than just data; it’s the quantification of work: How are employees performing, is the business profitable, are customers happy?” Guida said. “As more companies democratize data across their organizations, employees are more likely to quantify their work and incorporate data into every part of their job. We’ll see this continue to scale from the individual and team level to the organization level.”