More Americans downgrading insurance plans to cope with rising costs

The survey found more than half of Americans could not pay off an unexpected $5,000 health care out-of-pocket expense.

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Consumers are feeling the financial pain of rising prices and stubborn inflation, and their physical health may suffer as a result.

The latest Nationwide Retirement Institute Health Care Cost in Retirement survey found that more than half of respondents lack confidence in their ability to pay for health care costs as they age, and a similar number also worry about their ability to pay for caregiving for their partner or spouse. Among the other findings:

On top of the current concerns, many respondents believe medical advancements made possible by artificial intelligence could extend their lives, which would require more years of health care expenses.

“Advances in AI and health care technology in general are moving faster than ever and may help treat many of today’s chronic diseases, as well as other health issues,” said Kristi Rodriguez, senior vice president of the Nationwide Retirement Institute. “While this is good news, longevity requires more planning. That is why it is so important to consult with a financial professional to create a plan that prioritizes your health care needs now and for a retirement that could be longer than anticipated.”

Americans also underestimate the average cost of health care in retirement, putting it at $55,343 when the actual cost in 2022 was almost triple that at $172,500 for an individual or $315,000 for a typical 65-year-old retired couple. Financial advisors can play a vital role in helping them retire with confidence.

Related: Plan sponsors prioritize affordability as they look ahead to 2024 health care benefits

“Our survey shows that Americans need more knowledge, guidance and ongoing support to make informed decisions about their financial plans,” Rodriguez said. “By incorporating health care into financial planning conversations, financial professionals can help clients better prepare for the rising costs of health care.”