What’s the good news, ladies? November edition 

Our next two features have made some big changes this past year and they are taking their new roles and opportunities in stride. They both listened to their hearts and their heads and moved into roles where they are destined for success because they are aligned with their core beliefs and passions.

Let’s face it, change can be hard.  Many of us have gone through transitions in life, whether professionally or personally.  Sometimes they pan out well and sometimes we wish we could hit the reset button.  But through it all, I think there are always lessons we can learn during periods of change and transition.  As we move into the middle of the 4th Quarter I see many people gravitating to change and transitioning into new roles. But while they are embracing new ideas, they often never realize how they are inspiring others.  

Our next two features have made some big changes this past year and they are taking their new roles and opportunities in stride.  They both listened to their hearts and their heads and moved into roles where they are destined for success because they are aligned with their core beliefs and passions.  Please meet Jeannette and Monique and be inspired by the transitions they are thriving in!

Jeannette Flowers, WellNet Healthcare

“2023 has been somewhat of a homecoming. Having spent 39 years in the health care industry, I’ve tackled numerous roles, from operations to sales to service.  

This year, I followed my heart and returned to my client and member service roots. I’m most passionate about leading service teams to build new models, define goals and hit key metrics for an organization. The most rewarding part is the ability to mentor & shape a team. I encourage women in this space to reset the table (often!) and help the next crop of talent find success. 

In the spirit of new challenges, I accepted a leadership position for the new Upstate NY NABIP chapter (very exciting!) while simultaneously investing in a healthy, work-life balance. I want to travel and spend time with friends and family, because you should never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

Monique Hahn, Benelinx

“After spending the past 30 years owning my own independent agency, I decided to take a leapof faith.  Sometimes, our life takes a turn that shifts your perspective and allows you to be open for new opportunities when they present themselves. As an ovarian cancer survivor, I have embraced the transition from being a seasoned entrepreneur with decades of experience into my role as the Business Development Manager for Benelinx this past year.  

I am a passionate advocate for women in business, personally providing proof that age is not a barrier to your success.  My own cancer journey has allowed me to support patients and fellow survivors through advocacy and education. Whether it be in my insurance industry role or helping a fellow cancer survivor, my wish is to make a difference in the lives I touch by being a resource to connect people and find solutions.”

What women have you met in our industry recently who put you in a state of awe with what they are doing for their clients?  I’d like to know them too, so just shoot me an email at:  scombs@combsandco.com so we feature them and invite them to our Wonder Woman Crew!