Why hormonal health is an issue for all employees, and how leaders can support this

By adopting an open, more flexible attitude, employers can ensure that hormonal health is prioritized in the workplace, and that hormonal-related issues are managed mindfully.

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Why hormonal health is critical to business success

Hormonal health of employees is critical to business wellbeing and success, as it regulates every process in the body, including stress, mental health, and productivity – but some areas, for example women’s hormonal health, are still considered a workplace taboo.

By adopting an open, more flexible attitude, employers can ensure that hormonal health is prioritized in the workplace, and that hormonal-related issues are managed mindfully. Employers adopting this type of approach will lead to a healthier, happier and more productive workforce.

We all have hormones. This means that hormonal health impacts all genders, and encompasses the equilibrium and overall functional status of hormones within the body. As vital chemical messengers released directly into the bloodstream, hormones play a pivotal role in overseeing a variety of physiological functions, and maintaining the body’s internal balance.

These functions include growth, appetite and metabolism, mood regulation, and reproductive health, among others. Achieving a state of hormonal balance is essential for the body to optimize performance. Due to their broad influence on physical and mental wellbeing, recognizing and addressing potential hormonal imbalances is essential for enhancing overall health and wellbeing.

Why nutrition is so crucial to hormonal health

Nutrition is crucial to achieving and maintaining good hormonal health. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (SAD) is often laden with highly processed foods, excessive amounts of sodium, saturated fats and refined sugar, all of which negatively impacts hormonal health.

Without a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet, with adequate proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, the body is unable to produce and regulate hormones in an optimized way. This can result in various negative outcomes, including insulin resistance and fluctuations in the production of hormones, including estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol, which negatively impacts performance.

Hormonal health impacts workplace outcomes

Since hormonal health influences our ability to function at peak levels, it is no wonder that hormonal health has an impact on workplace outcomes; from how we perform to how we interact with co-workers and clients.

Clinical studies have shown how a decrease in hormonal health is associated with a reduced ability to perform work tasks, which is often linked to worse workplace outcomes. When a hormonal imbalance negatively impacts our ability to get a good night’s sleep, we’re less likely to feel at our best at work the following day. In addition, estrogen and testosterone, which are present in all genders at different levels throughout their life cycles, can impact mood regulation and cognitive functioning.

Why does a workplace blindspot for hormonal health exist?

Despite advances in our knowledge of hormonal health and nutrition, a workplace blindspot still exists. The strides made in destigmatizing mental health in the workplace are noteworthy. Yet, as our comprehension of holistic wellbeing deepens, it becomes evident that many wellbeing challenges faced by employees often originate from hormonal and nutritional factors. While hormonal health has traditionally been associated with reproductive health and stereotypically labeled as a “women’s issue,” this perception is changing.

What can employers do to break the stigma around hormonal health?

There are many strategies employers can adopt to break the stigma around hormonal health. Although women and men undergo distinctly separate hormonal cycles over their lifetimes, hormonal health is a common concern for all genders.

Offering tools and educational resources, such as nutrition programs (as we all need to eat), to help employees grasp how their dietary choices affect their hormonal health and subsequent work performance is a positive and proactive step forward.

What are the latest findings on hormonal health and workplace support?

The evidence is conclusive. Studies have shown how hormonal health and good nutrition impacts workplace outcomes. Current workplace trends highlight a growing focus on awareness and support for hormonal health.

Indeed, the latest study into workplace wellbeing trends across the U.S., has shown that 4 in 10 Gen Z and millennials are willing to quit their job tomorrow for a new job that better supports their female cycle. This finding alone should be a huge wake-up call for organizations across the U.S.

Employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of hormonal health. Those with flexible work policies have been shown to have a positive outcome on employees, and allow personalized schedules for those managing hormonal health issues. Increased awareness around research linking nutrition with hormonal health and mental wellbeing is gaining traction among workplaces. This is encouraging them to adopt more supportive, flexible policies.

The integration of technology, such as wearable devices, is also gaining prominence in its ability to monitor and address hormonal health concerns over time. Companies are realizing that by fostering an inclusive culture that facilitates open conversations about hormonal health for all genders, they can reduce stigma around it.

Why is hormonal health important for women at work?

Everyone has hormones. This means that we’re all affected by hormonal health, which impacts our ability to perform in the workplace. Whereas men’s hormonal cycles take place over a 24-hour period, women’s take place, on average, over a 4-week period and change throughout her life stages including reproductive and peri-/postmenopausal years.

This means that over time, a woman’s needs and potential symptoms change with her and, if not managed appropriately, could result in reduced work performance. In fact, current research shows that around one-third of women reported moderate to severe difficulties coping at work because of menopausal symptoms.

Research has also shown that the menopause costs American women an estimated $1.8 billion in lost working time per year, while one million women in the UK alone left their jobs due to menopause symptoms. Since women’s needs change over time, it is important that employers provide relevant support and information to ensure that needs are being met across today’s diverse workforce.

What type of hormonal health support is valued by female Gen Z and millennials?

Gen Z and millennials make up the majority of today’s workforce, so it is important for employers to understand the role of hormonal health and how nutrition can positively impact workplace outcomes. Gen Z and millennials gravitate toward tech-forward programs that emphasize inclusivity and holistic wellbeing.

While fertility and family planning programs as a health care benefit will continue to be a priority, this generation of women understands the interconnectedness of lifestyle factors, including nutrition, exercise and stress on hormonal health. As a result, employers must provide hormonal support in multiple ways to address diverse needs.

What effective hormonal health measures should employers implement to support women?

There are many effective hormonal health measures that employers can implement to support women. Employers should prioritize offering educational resources and workshops to enhance awareness of hormonal health, covering topics like the menstrual cycle, reproductive health, and the effects of hormonal fluctuations on both physical and mental wellbeing.

Supplying employees with accessible tools for a better understanding of their individual hormonal health needs is crucial. Utilizing nutrition-based apps with a holistic health focus will help employees to make smarter food choices. This serves as an effective way to educate employees about the broader impact of dietary choices on various aspects of their lives, including their hormonal balance. Offering a nutrition-led solution for all employees that naturally supports the body in balancing hormones is the key to a healthier, more productive workforce.

What are the latest innovations improving our understanding of hormonal health?

There are many innovations improving our understanding of hormonal health. The growing interest in functional medicine and preventive health care is empowering individuals to gain a better insight into their foundational health.

Instead of reacting to symptoms or chronic diseases as they arise, adopting a proactive, preventative approach by monitoring comprehensive health indicators, including biometrics such as hormonal health, can lay the groundwork for long-term wellbeing. Concurrently, advancements in wearable technology offer a valuable tool for uncovering hormonal imbalances that may influence factors like sleep quality, food cravings, weight changes, and stress levels.

Why is personalized health and holistic health important for managing hormonal health?

Personalized and holistic health approaches are crucial for managing hormonal health due to individual variations in the endocrine system. These approaches tailor interventions to an individual’s unique hormonal profile, considering factors like genetics and lifestyle.

Read more: Help employees improve mental and physical wellbeing, one bite at a time

By addressing lifestyle factors comprehensively, such as nutrition and stress, these approaches promote preventive care, empower patients, and reduce the risk of side effects. Recognizing the interconnectedness of physical and mental wellbeing, these approaches contribute to long-term hormonal balance and improved quality of life.

What final points should employers understand about hormonal health and addressing the workplace blindspot?

Employers can do many things to improve their understanding about hormonal health, the crucial role of nutrition, and how they impact positive workplace outcomes. Encouraging open, mindful communication about hormonal health helps to reduce stigma, enabling individualized support and creating a comfortable space for discussions.

Integrating hormonal health into inclusive wellness programs, including nutritional support, educational resources, mental health advice, and fitness initiatives, contributes to a holistic approach that naturally supports the body in balancing hormones and leads to a healthier, more productive workforce.

Wesleigh Roeca, Director of Workplace Well-being at Lifesum.