What’s the good news, ladies?  January edition 

I talked to dozens of industry friends during 4th Quarter from all over the country and everyone said it seemed to be a special kind of insane this year. Maybe we need to take some pages from the books of our next two features!

Not sure about you, but I’m still in recovery mode from 4th Quarter and just finally stopped rocking back and forth in the fetal position.  It was rough, right?  Like really rough. And I know it’s not just me; I talked to dozens of industry friends during 4th Quarter from all over the country and everyone said it seemed to be a special kind of insane this year. No one seems to know why, but we don’t want to do it like that again for 2024!   Many I’ve talked to have said they will be looking to implement system and procedure changes this year to ensure that 2024 will be smoother.  

Maybe we need to take some pages from the books of our next two features! Take a couple minutes to read about how Sarah is focused on balancing wellbeing and high performance in the work she is doing at Exos. And learn how Jenny has found a way to unite her love of consulting and strategy into success for their clients.  

Dr. Sarah Sarkis, Sr. Dir. of Performance Psychology at Exos, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Certified Executive Coach

“At Exos, I co-create and co-facilitate all of our leadership development programming. I’m so proud of the experiences I’ve helped create for executives and organizations to help optimize the human capital side of their success equation. 

The founding principle in my work is that wellbeing and high performance can coexist. For too long, we have collectively sacrificed one for the other. I am proud to be a part of a movement to restore the partnership between these two key elements of success. 

I’m happy and proud to be a part of a company that ‘walks the walk.’ In 2023, Exos turned the microscope on ourselves. We partnered with Wharton and Adam Grant to better understand our own wellbeing and performance culture, and from this, our own workplace culture has radically evolved. Two truths emerged: change starts from within and it’s a team sport. This one goes out to the whole Exos family.”

Jenny Weaver, President, RTP Consultants

“I stepped away from a consultant role in the beauty industry to widen my horizons in the smallbusiness employee benefits space. I fell in love with helping people understand their health care and protecting their income with supplemental insurance. My employee benefits career has taken me from carrier partner to employee benefits broker and back to carrier. And now I’ve been blessed to build a non-traditional benefit agency; piecing together all that I am passionate about in our industry and strategically filling the gaps in areas that are lacking. I am a strategist and a partner, and I couldn’t be more grateful.”

Wishing you all a great start to the year and looking forward to expanding my network of incredible industry women through your help!  If you know of any incredible women in our industry, I’d like to know them too. Just shoot me over an email at  scombs@combsandco.com so we can get them featured and invited to our Wonder Woman Crew!