Why benefits pros should publish thought-leadership articles on LinkedIn

This article will delve into the many benefits of publishing thought-leadership articles on LinkedIn and provide actionable tips to help craft compelling content that resonates with your target audience.

In the ever-evolving world of employee benefits, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success.  While traditional marketing channels still hold value, the rise of social media has opened a powerful new avenue for benefits advisors and agency owners to connect with potential clients and establish themselves as thought leaders.

LinkedIn reigns supreme among social media platforms in the employee benefits industry. With over 830 million registered users, LinkedIn offers a highly targeted professional network where brokers and agencies can connect directly with decision-makers, such as human resource professionals, benefits managers, and company CEOs. I love LinkedIn and believe in its power, so I’ve created focused LinkedIn social media management packages specifically for benefits advisors and agencies. You should be focusing on it, too.

In this vast network, publishing thought-leadership articles presents a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise, build trust with potential clients, and drive new business.  This article will delve into the many benefits of publishing thought-leadership articles on LinkedIn and provide actionable tips to help craft compelling content that resonates with your target audience.

Why publish thought-leadership articles on LinkedIn?

The benefits of publishing thought-leadership articles on LinkedIn are multifaceted:

A powerful advantage for brokers and agencies

One of the key advantages of utilizing LinkedIn for benefit advisors is the platform’s ability to cater to both individual brokers and agencies. Here are ideas you can use, based on how our marketing agency leverages this unique strength:

This two-pronged approach sometimes runs in parallel, and other times, one channel at a time maximizes reach on LinkedIn.  

Crafting compelling articles

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of publishing on LinkedIn, let’s delve into how to craft compelling thought-leadership articles that resonate with your target audience:

LinkedIn is the perfect place to share thought-leadership pieces to build and grow your following. Getting started is easy, and it’s free to get going. With a good strategy, and plan in place, you can drive leads, awareness and sales.