Get real: employees & employers only care about benefits when they need to

Employers desperately need to fix the lack of engagement around benefits -- and benefit advisors can help.

Yes, we’ve said it out loud. Generally speaking, employees don’t care about their core employee benefits until they need them. Even worse, employers don’t think much about employee benefits until open enrollment rolls around. So, here’s the $64,000 question: How do employers fix this lack of engagement around benefits? Because they need to fix it, and benefit advisors can help.

Organizations spend a great deal of money on technology to make work more efficient — and this includes the expense of benefits administration platforms. The online publication Intelligent CIO reports that while spending on workplace technology declined in the last year, companies are still spending $1,000-$3,500 on software tools per employee annually, on average. Looking more closely, a company with 10-100 employees has a total SaaS spend of $250,000-$1 million on 50-70 apps.

But too many employers aren’t using these apps and solutions to get maximum ROI, especially from their spend on employee benefits. It’s time to take stock by asking — and answering — a few key questions:

Starting with these questions can help address the problems that lie at the core of the reality that no one seems to really care about employee benefits until they’re forced to deal with them. But, once we start to care, to pay attention to the ins and outs of employee benefits throughout the year, it will lead to greater employee engagement, better use of benefits, and greater ROI for the business.

Help HR leaders unlock the full potential of benefits

In an ideal world, workplace benefits would be cherished and leveraged by employees at every turn, consistently adding value to both their personal lives and to the companies they work for. But as current statistics and human behavior suggest, benefits tend to come into focus only during life events or health challenges, leaving a significant part of their potential unexploited. This highlights the challenges that employers and HR professionals face in effectively engaging employees with their benefits packages.

The challenge takes on even greater significance with the rise of remote and fragmented workspaces. As a result, traditional annual enrollment processes are becoming a less practical vehicle for maintaining year-round benefits engagement. 

It’s time for a paradigm shift. It’s time for benefits brokers to help HR leaders transition toward a culture where benefits are not just acknowledged, but are also valued and understood as a core component of the workplace experience. Let’s dive into those three pivotal areas mentioned above, areas where revolutionizing engagement strategies can transform benefits from an afterthought into a corporate cornerstone.

Rethink benefits platform usage

Modern benefits administration platforms are brimming with features designed to make managing benefits straightforward. However, simplicity does not always translate to active employee engagement. The focus of these tools is often centered on the open enrollment period or the new-hire enrollment window. The result: Employers are neglecting the remaining 364 days of the year, when benefits are not top-of-mind for employees.

Effectively deploy modern communication tools

The advent of digital workplace communication tools offers an unprecedented opportunity for benefits brokers and HR leaders to embed benefits discussions into the fabric of day-to-day work life. Platforms like Slack, Teams, and Google Chat are not just mediums for circulating casual announcements. They can also be leveraged for more substantial year-round benefits communication.

Personalize the conversation

The importance of personalized employee-manager relationships cannot be overstated as part of the benefits conversation. Encouraging regular, meaningful 1:1 meetings between managers and team members creates a safe space for discussing personal development, including how to best utilize their benefits.

A call to action for year-round engagement

The narrative around benefits needs to shift from a passive, compliance-driven activity to a proactive, engaging element of the employee experience. Employers, benefits advisors and HR professionals need to leverage the available data, tools, and human connections at their fingertips to reimagine benefits engagement as a year-round conversation — a communication stream that is dynamic, personal, and robust.

An organizational mindset that acknowledges the value of consistent benefits engagement is essential. It is not merely an HR initiative but a strategic imperative that requires investment, creativity, and a fundamental commitment to the well-being of the workforce.

Jasper Purvis is vice president of vusiness development for Selerix, a provider of benefits administration solutions for employers and carriers.